Monday, April 26, 2010

Arizona Passes Toughest Anti-Illegal Alien Law in the Country: They’re Doing What They Must to Shame the Federal Government into DOING IT’S JOB

Arizona’s state government passed legislation that cracks down on illegal aliens coming across their border from Mexico.  GOOD FOR THEM!

The federal government hasn’t done its job in protecting the border, and Arizona is fed up.  And until the federal government starts doing its job, or provides additional funds to help the border states with securing the border with Mexico, the feds and President Obama should stay out of Arizona’s business.

Why should one group of people (the legal residents of Arizona) be made to support an illegal population that has violated our border, disregarded our laws and flooded our emergency rooms and our jails?

No, Congress and the President should do their jobs and protect Arizona and the other border states from these continued incursions.  What’s it going to take, Mexico’s drug war spilling over onto our side of the border to shame President Obama and Congress into enforcing laws that have already been signed into law? 

No more unfunded mandates out of Washington!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cities and States Need to Pay The Pensions Owed to Their Workers: These Institutions Borrowed Money From Pension Funds to Balance Their Budgets But Never Made Good on IOUs

Across the country, many levels of government engaged in the practice of raiding pension funds to balance their budgets.  California was particularly bad at this: they borrowed $550 billion from their state pension funds to balance their state budget.   And they’ve still got a $25 billion deficit in their 2010-2011 budget.

Those IOUs are coming due, with the retirement of many of the workers whose pensions have been looted by the various governments.

If they promised a pension to their workers, they ought to make sure the things are funded properly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

U.S. Nuclear Sub Rams U.S. Navy Transport Ship: Navigator Was Listening to iPod, Other Violations Found in $60 Million Accident

A U.S. Navy submarine rammed a U.S. Navy surface vessel last month, due to a serious breakdown of military protocols aboard the submarine.  The captain of the sub was relieved of his command after it was discovered that his navigator was listening to his iPod, and hazarded the ship.

What next?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Stupak Votes and Runs Away: He Just Doesn’t Want to Get Thrown Out of Office in November by the Voters He Betrayed

Bart Stupak has decided to not run for the Michigan 1st Congressional senatorial seat again.

Too bad.  The voters were denied their chance to express their opinion of his betraying them for voting in favor of Obamacare.

That’s why he’s not running for office again, not the lame excuses that he’s put forward. 

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Now the F-35 Lightning II is Too Expensive as Well: Why Don’t They Just Build More F-15s, F-16s and F-18s?

A few short months after Defense Secretary Gates killed the F-22 Raptor program, the follow-up F-35 Lightining II fighter is also being criticized for being too expensive.  It’s jumped from being $179 million per copy to $329 million per copy in the same amount of time.

The reason for the jump is the vertical take off/vertical landing capability, delays in the prototypes and production issues, and other research & development problems. 

Defense Secretary Gates is confident that the fighter will stay on track, though the military may not be able to buy as many as they would like.

Why not build more late model F-15s, F-16s, and F-18s instead?

The iPad May Spell the End of Apple Laptops, But PC Laptops Will Stay in Business as Not Everyone Likes the Apple OS

I saw an article in today, trumpeting the end of the laptop in favor of the iPad.

Not so fast.

Just because Apple comes out with a popular design, it doesn’t mean that everyone will switch over to it. Not everyone likes the Apple operating system or business model, just as not everyone likes dealing with Windows or with the various PCs.

But the end of the laptop? Not even close. The end of the Apple laptop? That’s more likely.

Republicans Need to Win Control of One House Only: As We’ve Already Seen, One-Party Rule Doesn’t Work

People are very upset about Congress and the President ramrodding their very bad health care through, and how it was done.

It’s another example of what happens when one party-rule takes hold in Washington.  The Republicans blew it when they were in total control, and the Democrats are blowing it right now with their grip on power slowly bleeding away.

In the November elections, I’m hoping that the Democrats and the Republicans have majorities in one house each.  Neither political party can be trusted with total control.   They enact really stupid legislation, abuse the system and abuse the trust of the American people.

This is another reason to enact term limits.  Total turnover in Washington would flush out the system, and restore some credibility to the federal government that has been missing since 1994.  And while I cheered the results of that election and enjoyed watching the Democrats react to their massive losses, in hindsight, it would have been better if the Republicans had won a majority in one house.

But the current balance of power in Congress needs to change, to keep more of the Socialist agenda at bay.  As it is, it’s going to take years to overcome the damage that Obama, Pelosi and Reed have inflicted on our national interests.