Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Has The Mainstream Media Focused SO MUCH ATTENTION on Drug Addict Lohan??! Surely There Are More Worthy Subjects to Focus In On

I cannot believe how much attention the media is giving to drug addict and sometimes actress Lindsay Lohan.

Part of the reason she’s going into rehab is that she can’t hack being in the media spotlight.   Give her some breathing room and let her do what she must to get better.

As for the media itself, aren’t there better stories out there to report on??!  This celebrity obsession is extremely unhealthy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Federal Lawsuit Against Arizona Reeks of Stupidity: The Feds Need to READ the Arizona Law IN ITS ENTIRETY as Their Lawsuit is Based on False Information and Assumptions

Will someone in the Obama Administration please read the Arizona immigration law IN ITS ENTIRETY?  I don’t think a single person with a “D” after their name has.  Obama sure hasn’t.  Nor has his incompetent Attorney General.  Nor has anyone in President Obama’s cabinet.  Democrats in Congress sure haven’t.

I hope that Arizona files a lawsuit against the federal government, seeking a court order to force the government to enforce ALL existing federal laws along the ENTIRE Arizona/Mexico border, and not just certain sectors.

What do they need, bodies of dead American families found in their own homes, wiped out by Mexican drug lords who are currently waging a war against the Mexican government just over the border?

Obama needs to move the army up to the border, and issue orders that any Mexican gangs who are running roughshod over the border and firing on American border patrol agents on the American side of the line should be blown straight to hell!

Engaging in a frivilous lawsuit against a law that ONLY challenges the citizenship of people who are accused of a crime…that’s all that the Arizona law says, and nothing else.  This federal lawsuit should be thrown out immediately.  What a waste of time and resources!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Internet Kill Switch: Sounds Like a Way to Kill Free Speech as Well as Stopping Cyber Attacks

Last week, President Obama signed a measure into law that gives him the authority to protect U.S. web assets from cyber attack, by having the U.S. part of the web shut down for up to 120 days.

Sounds like a really good way to isolate people from one another, to prevent the exchange of free ideas, and to prevent the American people from learning about whatever the government is working so hard to keep from them, until it’s too late.

They should be focused on firewalling the country’s internet access, and learning how to keep the Internet up and running while waging a cyber war against an attacker.

I don’t like the idea of having to shut down the Internet to stop a cyber attack.   But if the American government now considers cyber attacks a threat to national security, they need to shift gears and adapt quickly to the growing threat from cyber attacks through use of other means.