Is there anyone out there who REALLY believes that Pakistan had no idea that Osama bin-Laden was living less than eight hundred yards from a Pakistani Army base?
I don’t.
It appears our government doesn’t buy that idea at all.
They launched the operation to get bin-Laden without Pakistani involvement, penetrated Pakistani airspace, mounted a major attack within eyesight and earshot of thousands of Pakistani troops, killed bin-Laden, blew up one of their own choppers after it suffered engine problems, loaded bin-Laden’s body and the booty from his hideout and withdrew from Pakistani airspace in a back-up chopper. Our leaders then notified the Pakistani leadership that the attack had taken place, but not while the U.S. task force was still within Pakistani airspace.
The reason why is they couldn’t trust the Pakistanis.
They might well have notified bin-Laden to head for the hills as the choppers were inbound. Or had their troops fire on the SEALs.
There are elements of the Pakistani military and intelligence service who have been actively aiding the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and there was no guarantee who the Pakistani President might have notified in the Pakistani military hierarchy, or if foreknowledge of the attack would reach those bin-Laden supporters.
Pakistan doesn’t know what they’re doing with their internal security. I think Pakistan is a bigger risk than Iran is right now, as Pakistan already has nuclear weapons, has a major Taliban presence, and is protecting them.
I do not believe that the Pakistani President knew that bin-Laden was where he was. But I think that ObL had to have the help of elements of the Pakistani military to camp out half a mile from a major Pakistani military base. And I don’t think that the Pakistani President looked hard enough, or asked the right people the right questions.
And the fact that bin-Laden’s been there SIX YEARS?
Pakistan can’t be trusted. They were never really on our side to begin with; they were the ones who STARTED the Taliban in the first place.
The mujahedeen that we supported in Afghanistan against the Soviets in the 1980s ended up fighting Pakistani-backed Taliban forces in the 1990s Afghan civil war, and lost. Surviving mujahedeen formed the Northern Alliance, which the U.S. supported against the Taliban in 2001.
Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism. The aid needs to be cut immediately; they aren’t doing what they pledged to do with the funding and fight terrorism…they’re aiding people like bin-Laden. Why are we giving them billions of dollars?