Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Representatives Join the Throng: They Know Nothing More Than Anybody Else
Three Representatives are not doing that.
They're all caught up in the Trayvon Martin situation, and are making horses arses out of themselves.
And once they cross that line, they need to decide what they're doing there, and if they can do their jobs. If they can't, then they should resign and allow the voters of their districts choose someone who CAN do the job without resorting to race baiting.
Isn't that right, Congressman Bobbi Rush, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson and Congressman Hank Johnson?
These three individuals have no more idea as to what happened the day Trayvon Martin was killed, any more than anyone else does. The difference is that they've also rushed to judgment, just like President Obama and "Reverend" Sharpton and Spike Lee and a lot of other people have.
Do your frigging jobs, elected officials, and set the example. I suggest reviewing the parts of your oaths that say you swear to uphold the Constitution. Even the parts that are inconvenient to you.
Spike Lee ReTweets Wrong Address for Location of George Zimmerman; Elderly Couple Has to Leave Their Home Because of This
In the ongoing black lynch mob aggression against George Zimmerman, director Spike Lee decided to retweet an alleged address of George Zimmerman, who is in the center of the controversy over the killing of Trayvon Martin, and got it wrong. HUGELY wrong.
Now an elderly couple has been forced to leave their home out of fear that vigilantes will break in and hurt them. They've received all kinds of hate mail, threats and been forced out.
It's another sad chapter of this story of rushing to dead or alive vigilantism put on by President Obama, "Reverend" Sharpton, and the New Black Panther Party, and a lot of stupid people out there who are being lead along like SHEEP being prodded along by a shepherd in the WRONG DIRECTION!
Is President Obama going to call these senior citizens to apologize for what's happened to them? Is "Reverend" Sharpton going to stand beside this couple on camera to tell the vigilantes to leave these poor people alone? Is Spike Lee going to apologize for doing what he did?
I'll be shocked if they do.
And what about the idiot in California who started this? He's done major damage.
This is the worst case of group-think that I've ever seen, from the observer-in-chief all the way down to the twits taking part in the demonstrations. Shame on all of you!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Martin Shooting in Florida is an Example of a Modern Day Lynch Mob: People are Acting Totally Irrationally Without All the Facts
I’ve been watching President Obama and other black leaders lambast the guy who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, and their choice of words was equally as irrational as the black lynch mobs who have put a $10,000 bounty on the head of of his shooter.
Isn’t it bad enough that a man was shot and killed, without turning to the sort of vigilantism that blacks themselves have said that they have been the victims of in the past? When will this cycle of viciousness end?
The race baiters like President Obama and Reverend Sharpton need to shut up, get the facts, mourn the dead and let the law take its course. I’ll bet that neither of these leaders will admit that they screwed up, should the local authorities determine that the shooter was defending himself.
The New Black Panther Party should drop this idiotic bounty on this guy and let the wheels of justice turn WITHOUT their “assistance.'” A witness said that the victim was beating the hell out of the shooter, prior to the gunfire, which puts this into another category of law enforcement entirely. That’s why the police haven’t arrested the shooter and are still investigating.
And ALL the people who have signed the petitions, and are holding rallies all over the place should remember that it is the job of the police and prosecutors to enforce the law AS IT IS WRITTEN, not as the lynch mob thinks it SHOULD BE.