Friday, April 12, 2013

If North Korea CAN Mount Nuclear Warheads on their Missiles, Shouldn’t We Know About It NOW, Instead of When They Nuke One of Our Overseas Bases?

A congressman may have revealed updated U.S. military information on North Korea, which suggests that they may already have the ability to mount nuclear warheads on their ballistic missiles, which goes against what the Obama Administration has been publicly saying about North Korea’s missile capability.

IF North Korea already has this capability, the American people should be informed of it sooner rather than later.   It may raise jitters among the American population for a while, but they’ll get used used to living under another nuclear threat, if they have to. 

But I don’t think North Korea’s nuclear threat will last that long, if things continue to progress as they have.  One of the North Korean generals is going to put a bullet in Kim Jong Un’s fat ugly head, as he doesn’t have their unanimous support, in spite of their shows of public admiration on North Korean media television.

Hopefully Kim Jong Un, his uncle and his aunt live long enough to be put on trial for crimes against humanity, in the name of North Korean political prisoners who are in their slave labor camps or are starving to death in the streets while the "fat pig” (a South Korean term of endearment, and one that brings a death sentence in North Korea) leader eats to his heart’s content, with not a care about his starving people.

He’s had plenty of time to get food to his people since taking charge of North Korea, but has instead sent U.N. food meant for the hungry to his military combat units instead.  Shame!!

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Women’s Groups Give President Obama a Free Pass on His Comments About California’s Attorney General: If a Republican Had Said the Exact Same Thing, They’d Be DEMANDING His Resignation, Not Saying that He “Displayed Leadership”

Double standard in progress…

President Obama apologized for commenting on how attractive California’s attorney general was, after women’s groups started raising concerns, that the comment detracted from her professional accomplishments.  Some of the groups praised President Obama for “demonstrating great leadership” in apologizing and saying that there’s still a “cultural gap” in how women are professionally treated.

Now, if a Republican had said the same thing, these same groups would be leading the charge to have the offending politician resign.  “Demonstrating great leadership” my afterburner!

More double standards from the left. 

Monday, April 01, 2013

North Korean Generals Need to Get Rid of the Kid Running Their Country: He’s In WAY Over His Head

We really need to get in contact with the North Korean generals around Kim Jong Un and encourage them to get rid of the runt.   That kid has no business being in charge of nuclear weapons.