Saturday, September 28, 2013

GOP Keeps Moving the Goal Post: One Year Delay of Obamacare is the Latest New Demand in Confusing Series of Twists and Turns

I’m really disappointed with the current Republican party strategy of trying to deal with Obamacare.

They do not have a consistent message about what their goals are.  Are they trying to delay it, overturn it, or something else?  They need to pick their spot, and fight for it, and make their message about their fight clear to the American public.

Now, on the debt ceiling, I wish Congress would just raise it and pay closer attention to the current funding bills which make the debt ceiling debates necessary.  If Congress has a problem with the debt ceiling, they should spend less on pork and make cuts above and beyond sequester levels to the next budget.  That will make future debt ceiling fights in the federal government unnecessary as they’ll have room to maneuver while continuing to pay for what they voted on already.

On the federal government shutdown, the Senate took 1,372 DAYS to pass a budget, so that tells you how quickly Congress moves on passing a budget of ANY kind.   The government should learn to do more with less.  And the possibility of not paying soldiers on time who are fighting in the mountains of Afghanistan?  SHAMEFUL!

Congress needs to get its act together and vote its way out of this mess, or we’ll vote them out of office.  And President Obama needs to start negotiating and compromising on stuff.  President Reagan and House Speaker Tip O’Neal did.  So did President Clinton and Speaker Gingrich.   Why can’t our current President and current Speaker?  Both sides need to tone it down.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Less Blame on the Shotgun, and More on the Shooter

I came home to news that the madman who shot up the Navy Shipyard in Washington used a Remington Model 870 in his killing spree.

The media is treating the shotgun like it’s the most powerful shotgun ever created, and spent way too much time analyzing how many shells it holds.  I couldn’t help but notice that the media chose to run with pictures of the tactical model of the 870 because it’s scary looking.  Since the shotgun was introduced in 1951, there have been HUNDREDS of variations of this shotgun, in multiple configurations.  There are civilian, police and military models currently in use.

Knock it off, you media idiots!  I use a Remington Model 870 to hunt with.  It’s a nice  hunting shotgun.

The shooter at the Navy yard is 100% to blame, not the shotgun.  He turned it on his fellow human beings, then stole the guns of his victims to continue his killing spree against his former employers. 

We have to understand that if he didn’t have this particular model available, he could have legally bought another type of firearm to carry out his attack.   I’m following my customary rule and not naming the SOB.  He’ll get no free publicity and name recognition here.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Russian Leadership’s Self-Esteem is So Low That They Have to Attack Others to Make Themselves Feel Better: PATHETIC!

Vladimir Putin and one of his firebrand supporters have been attacking Americans over feelings of exceptionalism, and there’s a reason for it.

It’s because their self-esteem is so low that the only way that they can feel better about themselves is if they attack the good in others.  There’s a term to describe this bully behavior: PATHETIC!

What’s more, President Putin’s former bosses instilled the sense of low to no self esteem in Russians and Soviet citizens for decades.   If Russians want to feel better, they should vote his butt out of office, as well as his other KGB lackeys.

The main difference between us and Russia is that in the U.S., we send crooks and corrupt politicians to jail.  In Russia, the crooks and corrupt politicians come to power and lock up the innocent and anyone who disagrees with their government’s point of view. 

Compared to Russia in those terms, are we exceptional?  Heck yes! 

President Putin should keep his opinions to himself

When was the last time we had a president do the kind of RIDICULOUS publicity stunts like President Putin has?  That’s another point…by staging these stunts, President Putin appears to be setting himself up as an exceptional leader, doesn’t it?   That would make Putin a hypocrite too, which is old news to us. 

That’s all the attention that I’m paying to Russian remarks on exceptionalism.  They have no leg to stand on, thanks to people like Vladimir Putin.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Syrian Rebels Are Slaughtering Syrian Christians: President Obama Wants to Turn the Tide of Battle in the Favor of These People?

Syrian rebels are attacking Syrian Christians in a blatant attempt to wipe Christianity out in Syria, under the guise of fighting the Syrian government.  This is more proof that Islam IS fighting a war against Christianity, while they accuse Christians of waging war on helpless Islam.  Hypocrites!

Under no circumstances should we assist these rebels.   President Obama needs to stop trying to change the tide of battle in favor of the rebels; they’re even more undesirable than Assad staying in office.    This smells of al-Qaeda or of Hezbollah. 

I don’t know what we can do to protect Christian villages in Syria.  By the time a course of action is decided on, the body count will be even higher than it is now.   Very frustrating.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Obama Has 22 Likely “Yes” Votes on Military Action Against Syria in Senate: 16 Likely “Yes” Votes in House So Far

Based on early projections, CNN seems to think that President Obama will get a majority of “yes” votes in the U.S. Senate, but the House cannot be predicted as only sixteen Representatives have indicated that they’re likely to vote “yes” on a military authorization against Syria.

Congress is not back in session yet, but the leadership is back in town and already talking about the language in the bill that will be debated, in terms of guarantees that there will be no introduction of ground troops into Syria, the kind of military assets to be used, duration of the conflict, mission creep, etc.

Should be interesting to see what happens.