Friday, November 22, 2013

If Afghanistan Doesn’t Want U.S. Troops, Even for a Short Amount of Time, President Obama Should Zero Out the U.S. Military Presence There And Bring Them Home

Afghan and U.S. officials are bickering over when a new U.S./Afghan status of forces agreement (SOFA) should be signed.  The Obama Administration says no later than December 31st of this year, the Afghans are saying after the next round of presidential elections in Afghanistan next year.

I would be in favor of the ZERO option as of January 1st, 2014, which is the same option President Obama used to pull troops out of Iraq.  No SOFA, no American troops. Sounds fine to me.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

North Korea Abducts 85-Year-Old American Veteran: They Have to Resort to Bullying Senior Citizens to Make Some Kind of a Point?

North Korea pulled an American senior citizen off his plane in Pyongyang and have been holding him for close to a month.

This is totally unacceptable, and North Korea needs to get this veteran on a plane and out of that country immediately!  And the other American they’re holding should also be on the same plane.

What kind of military information can a senior citizen who’s been retired from military service since the 1950s give to North Korea that they don’t already have?  They’d better not put him on trial, which is what I fear is going to happen, or has already happened. 

Shame on North Korea!

Another 50-100 Million Insurance Cancellations Coming Due to Obamacare: Congress Must Repeal This Disaster Before It’s Too Late

Word hit the street that another 50-100 million health insurance policies may be cancelled in October of 2014, just before the mid-term elections.

If that many people lose their insurance and the Democrats hold fast to their Affordable (hardly affordable) Care Act, they are going to be in for a major shock in November. 

Congress needs to keep this from even happening and repeal it within a few months.   It was ill-conceived, not well thought out as to what their overall goal was, ramrodded through a Congress that didn’t even bother to read the entire bill, signed by an ultra-liberal and elitist President eager to have a signature piece of legislation (and who didn’t read the bill either), poorly implemented and disastrously rolled out to a population who had already seen five million insurance policies cancelled and the contract holders left with no insurance at all.

They need to scuttle this thing before a sizeable chunk of their constituents lose their employer-provided health insurance to this disaster of a law.