Word hit the street that another 50-100 million health insurance policies may be cancelled in October of 2014, just before the mid-term elections.
If that many people lose their insurance and the Democrats hold fast to their Affordable (hardly affordable) Care Act, they are going to be in for a major shock in November.
Congress needs to keep this from even happening and repeal it within a few months. It was ill-conceived, not well thought out as to what their overall goal was, ramrodded through a Congress that didn’t even bother to read the entire bill, signed by an ultra-liberal and elitist President eager to have a signature piece of legislation (and who didn’t read the bill either), poorly implemented and disastrously rolled out to a population who had already seen five million insurance policies cancelled and the contract holders left with no insurance at all.
They need to scuttle this thing before a sizeable chunk of their constituents lose their employer-provided health insurance to this disaster of a law.