Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Media Needs to Throw the Ignore on Dennis Rodman’s North Korean Jaunts: Don’t Give the Egotistical Wingbag Any More Coverage

The media needs to stop covering the Dennis Rodman/Kim Jong Un story.  They’re giving both megalomaniacs the kind of press that they both crave.

Rodman got into a rant with a CNN reporter today, with his fellow ex-NBA players looking awfully uncomfortable in the background.   He is way out of his league in the area of “cultural exchanges.”   His idea of a cultural exchange is to marry himself and put himself in front of the cameras in a wedding dress.

If he wants to be friends with the North Korean brat, whatever.  Keep the cameras away and don’t report on his movements, and see how often he goes to North Korea when everyone is ignoring him.

“Polar Vortex” is Nothing to Get Worked Up About: It’s Happened Before and is Not Unprecedented

The news networks have been overblowing the “polar vortex” thing related to the cold snap in the U.S. and elsewhere.  It’s not an unprecedented event…this has happened many times before, and not just in the winter either.  Polar air does drive southward from time to time.

It is not related to global warming, despite what the global warming alarmists are trumpeting on CNN and MSNBC.  It’s SUPPOSED to be cold in the winter.

According to news network precedence, if it happened twenty years ago, it didn’t happen.  The reason why is they are targeting people young enough to not remember the last time we had an extremely cold winter, or a cooler-than-average summer due to the jet stream being further south than normal, and further south than we would like it. 

This too, will pass.  Until then, we can experience what the Russians normally experience during the winter in their country: cold temperatures.

I’m enjoying watching the global warming alarmists try to whip up a panic.  THE SKY IS FALLING!  THE SKY IS FALLING!  (NOT!)

Monday, January 06, 2014

So, This is What Global Warming Feels Like: Alarmists in the U.S. Should Stand Outside Naked Over the Next Few Days and Enjoy Their “Global Warming”

Global warming freaks in the U.S. will be trying to ignore freezing their collective butts off this week as their “global warming” nonsense took another major hit, a couple of weeks after a Russian research vessel sent to Antarctica to monitor “thinning polar ice” got trapped by record THICK ice.  How many icebreakers got stuck down there in record ice?  Two?    HOW EMBARASSING!

When will these fools admit that their “settled science” is nothing of the sort, and that they have a huge amount of research left to conduct before even being ready to form a hypothesis on global heating and cooling?  The only thing that’s melting around here is the “settled science” theory.

Enjoy freezing your butts off, global warming alarmists and AL GORE.   You can blame your pipes freezing and your carbon-emitting cars not starting because they’re frozen on “global warming” too. 

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Hezbollah Involvement in Syria Has Brought Retaliation From Syrian Groups into Lebanon’s Streets: Who Didn’t See This Coming?

As expected, Syrian militant groups opposed to Syrian President Assad’s reign of terror have struck back at Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based terror group, by attacking Hezbollah targets inside Lebanon.

Hezbollah has been complaining that the targets that are being hit are civilian targets, which may or may not be true, but with their attacks on Syrian civilians, they should have taken steps to protect Lebanese civilians from retaliation.  The Lebanese are caught in the middle again.

Hezbollah probably considers the loss of Lebanese civilians as acceptable losses if it helps to keep one of its major suppliers of weapons in power.  They’ve already ruined Lebanon, and now they’re doing their best to ruin Syria too.  Did they really think that the Syrian rebels would take no steps to strike back, especially where Hezbollah lives?

I have no sympathy for Hezbollah.  If they want to do some good in the region, they should pull their forces from Syria, leave Assad to his fate,  recognize Israel and work toward peaceful goals.

Iraq Pulls Its Troops From Fallujah and Turns Control Over to Local Police, Who Are Promptly Defeated by Militants: This is Nouri al-Maliki’s Problem, Not Ours

Two Iraqi cities have been captured by al-Qaeda, or by militants opposed to both al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government, after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pulled the Iraqi Army from those areas.  Responsibility for security was turned over to local forces who were no match for battle-hardened militant fighters.   Fallujah and Ramadi both fell to the militants within days of the army pulling out.

Time to see if the Iraqi Prime Minister can back up his bold words and retake both cities, as well as securing the rest of al-Anbar province. 

He’s going to find out the cost of launching military operations against fortified enemy positions with major civilian populations nearby, in terms of lives and political capital. 

Can’t help but think about the press conferences held by this Iraqi Prime Minister who was quick to criticize U.S. and coalition forces for inflicting collateral damage on Fallujah and its residents during the occupation.  Now he’s calling the shots and ordering his military in. 

There’s no doubt that the Iraqi military will defeat the militants, but they’re going to cause the same kind of damage to the city and residents as the coalition did during the war, and Nouri al-Maliki will take the same kind of heat that the U.S. and international forces did when he criticized them.

This is an Iraqi problem, and the U.S. needs to stay out of Iraq.   We can’t go riding to the rescue of Nouri al-Maliki every time he makes a blunder and Islamic militants take full advantage by capturing entire cities.   Iraq has to deal with this on its own.