Wednesday, March 19, 2014

ATF Violates Court Order and Confiscates Gun Ownership Records in San Diego: How Did this Happen?


The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives went after a customer list of people who bought parts to manufacture AR-15s from several gun store locations in San Diego.  At the heart of the dispute is one piece of the construct that is being reviewed by a San Diego court, and who had issued a restraining order against the ATF to hold off raiding the store until matters were settled in federal court first.

For whatever reason, the ATF violated the restraining order and went after the parts, the customer lists, and whatever else they felt like grabbing.

The U.S. district attorney for San Diego is said to be in possession of the customer lists; 5,000 people are said to be on the list.

Lots of questions on this story:

Did the ATF go to court to get the restraining order lifted?  If they didn’t, isn’t this search and seizure illegal, and all information gleaned from the confiscated computers and lists considered to be fruit from the poisonous tree?

Is the ATF in contempt of court?

Who issued the order for the ATF to ignore the court order?

Did the ATF search warrant come from a higher federal court than the one who issued the restraining order?  How does this work?

It look an awful lot like the ATF royally screwed up an open-and-shut case and violated a whole slew of federal laws related to the Second Amendment in the process.  This will be an interesting story to follow.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crimea Votes for Independence As Precursor to Rejoining Russian Federation: European Union and U.S. Respond With Feeble Sanctions Against Russia

The Russian/Crimean situation has been royally screwed up by Russian oil-dependent European states, and by the feeble U.S. government.  Putin is laughing his head off at how weak the West has become.

If they want to stop Russia from overrunning the rest of Ukraine, they have to apply sanctions that will do more than hurt the Russian government and military.  Targeted sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian political figures is a joke.  Some of the targeted Russians and pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians and generals have no assets to seize in the E.U. or in the U.S. and have no interest in traveling to the Eurozone or to the United States.  Can we cut off Internet access to the entire Russian Federation?  That would get their attention.

Crimea is a lost cause; the Russian Army is already dug in there.   Let the Russians have the Crimea.  Ukraine isn’t about to launch a full-scale war against Russia to retake Crimea, but they will fight to keep the Russians out of the rest of Ukraine.  We should offer them NATO membership immediately.

This crisis has shown that European nations need to diversify their energy imports in order to preserve their national sovereignty against future Russian aggression.   They’re at Russia’s mercy much more than the U.S. is. 

I think we should also look at the criticisms that are being leveled at Russia for conducting this “referendum.”  They’ve raised the point that we did the same thing in Iraq and in Afghanistan while having our troops in control of both countries.  We also recognized Kosovo, almost immediately, after it broke away from what was left of Yugoslavia.   We also recognized South Sudan almost immediately.  The British held a referendum on the Falkland Islands during last year’s diplomatic flare-up with Argentina.  These are valid points that we cannot ignore.

We also cannot ignore the ballot language in Crimea.  The question was “Should Crimea join the Russian Federation now, or later?”  There was not a “No” option on the ballot.  This makes the referendum invalid.   Such ballot language in the United States would be challenged in court before the vote was even held.  And the language would be thrown out by the court.  If the revised language wasn’t submitted for approval in time, there would be no ballot question at that particular upcoming election.

Compare Britain’s Falklands 2013 referendum language from Wikipedia: ….they asked each voter if they supported the continuation of their status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom in view of Argentina's call for negotiations on the islands' sovereignty?   Yes or No.    A successful No vote would have lead to a second referendum which would lay out more options, including joining Argentina.  As it was, 99.8% of Falklands voters decided in favor of staying aligned with Britain, with a 92% turnout rate.  Credit to Wikipedia for the important stuff in this paragraph.

The British also allowed international monitors in to make sure the balloting was fair.  Russia did not.   In fact, there were reports that international observers (UN people, including the Secretary General’s emissary, not international voting observers) had automatic weapons fired over their heads in warning shots to get out and stay out of Crimea.

What we haven’t said yet is that we don’t like how Russia manipulated the vote, and that Russia seems hell-bent on getting their way, at any cost. 

The EU, the U.S. and Russia all have valid points.  We need to focus on keeping Russia out of the Baltics, Poland and other nations that share a border with Russia.  Putin’s empire building must stop in the Crimea.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Next Russian Move in Ukraine Will Be After the Paralympics are Done in Sochi

It looks like the Russians are focused back on behaving themselves while the Para-Olympics are taking place over in Sochi.   Someone had better schedule Olympics year-round in Sochi so that the Russians desist from power-slamming their neighbors while Sochi is being utilized by the international community.

The “vote” that the Russians have scheduled to complete their land-grab in the Crimea will happen as the Winter Olympics end.  Wonder if all the Russian soldiers who have invaded will get to vote too.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

A Russian/Ukrainian Military Conflict is Imminent: Putin Asks for and Gets Russian Senate Approval to Use Military Force in Ukraine After Obama’s Weak Statement

My February 11th prediction appears to be coming true…I said that Russia would go after Ukraine with Putin daring the West to stop him, and that appears to be happening quicker and quicker.

If President Obama wants to get Putin’s attention now, he needs to send the entire Russian Black Sea fleet to the bottom of the Black Sea TODAY and destroy the Russian base on the Crimean Peninsula.  Easier said than done.  Our President is too timid to send in U.S. troops to get between the Russians and Ukrainians. Ukraine is going to have to fight to stay in one piece now, without international support.  The U.S. and NATO are going to sit this one out.  

Who didn’t see this coming?