Monday, June 16, 2014

IRS Conduct Over Lerner Probe is Disgraceful: IRS Doesn’t Lose or Misplace Documents When It Goes After People Who It Thinks Owe Them Money, So Are We REALLY Supposed to Believe They Actually “Lost” Anything?

OK, so we have the most powerful tax collection agency in the world, which spares no expense at getting every penny they’re owed by American taxpayers, saying that they lost a ton of emails and other data that has been subpoenaed by a Congressional committee that is looking into the targeting of conservative and other groups by the IRS.

Their claims of having “lost” emails baffles the mind.  They don’t lose or misplace information, so the only logical conclusion is that the emails were deliberately deleted by political people inside the IRS who are trying to protect the Administration from another scandal.

Of all the federal agencies, this agency is well-known for its daily data backups of every digital record in its possession.   The thought of anything “lost” beyond recovery at the IRS points to deliberate deletions of both the original emails, and the deletion of the data from the daily backups.    Who has that kind of access at the IRS?

This is going to get a whole lot worse, especially since this is taking place in a poisoned political environment.   If these emails were deleted, the responsible parties should be facing jail time.   And not the poor mid-level patsy that they decide to throw under the bus to throw the bloodhounds off the scent.

And there should be criminal penalties for the IRS taking sides in political discourse, as they appear to have done.   I don’t know if this behavior is already banned by law, but if it isn’t, then it should be.    The IRS has no business furthering the political agenda of an Administration or a political party.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Reserving Judgment: We Need to Let the Military Sort Out Fact From Fiction in Case of Exchanged POW

I’m not going to weigh in on the case of the American soldier who was traded for five top-tier Taliban prisoners until more facts are known.   When I first heard of this story, I thought it was a promotional thing for an episode of the TV series “Homeland.”   Really surprised when I read that it was not a promo.

The military needs more time to figure out if this soldier was captured, or if he deserted as members of his platoon are saying in the media.  Everybody needs to settle down for a while, and stop throwing words like “traitor” around until the military figures out what the circumstances were behind the soldier’s disappearance. 

I’ll wait for new developments before saying more.