Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Media Needs to Stop Trying to Link Ferguson and Cleveland Shootings: Both Are Tragic Enough Without the Political Machine in Liberal Media Trying to Make Matters Worse
On the heels of the violence in Ferguson, a report of a young boy with a fake gun being shot by police in Cleveland moved into the 24-hour news cycle, and almost immediately CNN and MSNBC and other liberal outlets started to link the Ferguson violence with the tragic shooting in Cleveland.
One has nothing to do with the other. They’re two separate and unique situations.
If ANYONE is waving a real-looking pistol around in front of police and not following police instructions, they’re going to get shot, regardless of what their skin color is. It doesn’t help that the boy’s toy gun had the bright colored toy identifier pulled out of the barrel, which made it look much more real.
How long will it be before Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton show up in Cleveland, doing their race baiting routine again? They didn’t help matters at all in Ferguson, and backed the wrong side again.
What Jackson and Sharpton should be doing in Cleveland and around the country is going after toy makers for making such realistic looking handgun toys. Toys need to look like toys, and not like a real gun.
If one takes the plastic out of the barrel, the gun below looks real…the cops can’t take a chance that something that looks like this is fake…they’re going to open fire, as they did in Cleveland.
Contrast the above photo to the one below. The above toy needs lots of green and orange like this one does:
Nerf has the right idea. Simply putting a plastic piece into the barrel isn’t enough. That’s what the focus should be in Cleveland, but it’s going to be a race thing.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Ferguson Shooting Witnesses Who Changed Their Stories in Favor of the Popular Narrative Guaranteed That No Charges Would Be Filed: If Activists Want to Blame Someone, Blame the Pro-Michael Brown Witnesses Who Lied Under Oath
The contrast couldn’t be more stark:
Pro-Michael Brown witnesses changed their stories so that they would match the popular narrative, while the eyewitnesses who supported the Ferguson police officer who shot Brown didn’t. The evidence supported the witnesses who told the truth and weren’t affected by peer pressure.
Given that information, it’s no surprise at all that a grand jury refused to issue an indictment against the police officer. How could they?
Those lawyers who are crying about the grand jury system being “broken” should accept the fact that their witnesses turned out to be a bunch of liars who bore false witness to what they saw. Some of the witnesses changed their story multiple times, too. The grand jury system worked as well as it could have under the circumstances.
If there’s a lesson to be learned, it should be that witnesses to something like the Ferguson shooting shouldn’t let others influence the way that they tell their story. Anyone who changed their story should be ashamed of themselves.
Friday, November 07, 2014
Navy SEAL Who is Revealing Secrets About Bin Laden Raid Shouldn’t Be: Other SEALs Have Kept Military Secrets for Decades Without Fail; What’s This Guy’s Issue?
I have a lot of respect for the service of our veterans, past and present, for all the things that they’re asked to do in the line of duty.
The Navy SEALs are no exception. They do the impossible, and make it look easy. But what happens when one of that elite group starts revealing stuff about classified missions, such as the raid in Pakistan that resulted in Osama bin-Laden’s demise?
He’s been allegedly giving interviews to one magazine for months, and another magazine publicly identified him. Fox News is getting ready to do a major story on it. The Pentagon is taking a very dark view of the matter and is threatening to take legal action against any military personnel who reveal operational details.
Just because he’s not in government service anymore doesn’t give him the right to start spilling military secrets. Some things should be left well enough alone and revealed in 50 years or so.
Retired SEALs and other special operators have kept military secrets for decades. Why is this guy any different? I respect what he’s done for our country, but he needs to think about his choices in moving forward from here.
Monday, November 03, 2014
If Republicans Take the Senate, They Need to Do Something About the Disastrous Medical Insurance Law: Affordable Care Act Needs to Either Be Repealed or Modified to Help People Instead of Hurting Them
If the GOP wins big tomorrow, they really need to move the Affordable Care Act to the top of their agenda. ObamaCare goes too far, and should be modified so that it covers only those people who do not have health insurance, or repealed in whole or in part.
The astronomical deductibles need to go away too. $5,000 deductibles make purchasing insurance really hard to swallow. And the IRS shouldn’t be involved in health care either.
I do like the idea of insurance companies not being able to cancel a policy because someone gets pregnant, or gets sick.
This should be dealt with before immigration reform.