Sunday, May 10, 2015

GOP Field is Unimpressive: Mickey Mouse May Get My Vote (Again) for Next Year’s Primary

The last few primary elections, if I’ve been annoyed with the choice of contenders that the main parties have put forth, I’ve picked a side and then voted for Mickey Mouse. 

He may get my primary vote again, if things stand as they are.  I’m not impressed so far with the current field of candidates.

Someone had better start knocking ‘em out of the park, real quick.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Texas Police Officer Who Stopped Two Terrorists During Attack on Mohammed Cartoon Gathering is Still Unknown: He Probably Wants to Protect His Family From Retaliation

A heroic police officer who shot two terrorists after they opened fire with AK-47s on police and security officers at a controversial Mohammed cartoon gathering is still not publicly known, and that’s not a bad thing.  The police officer probably wants to protect his family, so the media should respect that.   I’m content with not knowing his name.

The terrorists drove up, got out of their car and opened fire, wounding an unarmed security guard.  It’s being said that the police officer drew his sidearm, killed one of the attackers immediately and wounded the other, which ended the situation. 

I don’t know if his name can be suppressed as the shooting is a matter of public record so his name’s probably going to be released.   Hope they’re taking steps to protect the officer’s loved ones before that happens.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

80+ Percent of Vote Goes Against Michigan Proposal 1: Lopsided Defeat Shows Lansing Politicians Need to Do Their Jobs, Quit Scheduling Unnecessary Elections, and Fix the Roads With Money They Already Collect

Michigan’s had a problem with crumbling roads for quite a while now, and the politicians in Lansing have failed to come up with a solution to fix them.

Then someone came up with a cockamamie plot to alter the Michigan constitution to allow for an increase in the state sales tax, plus a bunch of other not-mentioned tax and fee increases that the legislature have already enacted.  Everything was to go into effect when Proposal 1 was approved by Michigan voters.  Fortunately, 80% of the vote went in the opposite direction.

I voted no because of all the other increases that were not mentioned in the proposal.  I did not consent to any of the not-mentioned tax and fee proposals.

I also object to a 200 word proposal that barely scratches the 46,000 word bill that includes language to automatically raise gas taxes.   Hard to believe a Republican governor would go along with something like that.  

They lost by a wide margin on this issue because the proposal left out key details of how much taxes and fees were going to increase.   They can fix the roads, increase education spending and provide other services with the money they already have.

They should stay in session (working FIVE DAY work weeks like everybody else, and not THREE DAY work weeks) until the road problem is fixed.

U.S. Supreme Court May Decide to Send the Gay Marriage Question Back to the States: Constitution is Clear on Who Regulates Marriage

I think there’s a possibility that the Supreme Court will not issue a ruling on the gay marriage question, and that they’ll defer to the states to make up their own minds.  This is probably the correct course of action, since the Constitution says that the authority to regulate marriage rests with the states.

I don’t know how strong this possibility is…this court has already inserted itself into national political questions, but since this is a power expressly given over to the states and not the federal government, I’m thinking the Supreme Court won’t take a side, which will make the state supreme courts in each state the final arbiter of the matter.  

Some have already decided, others are awaiting the Supreme Court decision, which is expected in June.