Thursday, April 28, 2016

States Are Spending Far Too Much Time on Bathroom Issues, and Not Enough Time on Other More Important Issues to the Common Good

I’m tired of all the toilet talk coming from the states and think they need to focus on more important issues, such as passing an operating budget. Some states where the bathroom debate is raging have yet to pass a budget for 2016-2017.

Just build more family bathrooms and be done with it already.   And if someone doesn’t want to use a public restroom because of this issue, don’t.  

Speaking frankly, I’ll think twice if I see a woman in a men’s restroom.   I will not give up whatever privacy is left in a restroom for the sake of someone else’s cause.  

Pick your poison and move on.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Can We Trust a Nuclear-Armed North Korea That Can Strike the United States to Behave Itself, or Are We Going to Need to Make a Pre-Emptive Strike to Stop North Korea?

Overwhelming international sanctions and pressure on North Korea have failed to slow down or stop the continued nuclear weapons advancement in the Hermit Kingdom, and we’re going to need to face the music soon.

Can we ever trust North Korea, which behaves like a petulant child being told “no, you can’t have that” to start behaving like a nation run by grown-ups?  With Kim Jong Un in charge over there, the answer is a resounding “NO!”  

We can’t trust anyone in North Korea to run it responsibly until the entire country has been de-programmed, disarmed and de-Kim Jong Un’ed.   It’s going to cost a lot of lives and the body count will be driven upwards the longer action is delayed.  

North Korea’s generals could negate a lot of this but they’re being executed at the slightest provocation to Kim Jong Un’s fear of losing his power, or getting a bullet in his head.

No one wants a war, but North Korea may force it and drag in all of its neighbors.   The situation is looking more and more bleak the longer it drags on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cruz is Acting in the Same Way in New York That Trump is Acting Across the Country: It’s Not Going to Work, But New York Was a Lost Cause for Cruz From the Get-Go

Ted Cruz doubled down on his criticism of New York liberal politics in the last couple of weeks, and there’s no doubt that he’s going to get mauled badly.  He seems to know it and isn’t holding anything back.    

The NY Daily News (is it really a news magazine, given their covers?) has taken the lead on telling where Cruz to go.  They aren’t very sympathetic to Trump either…they’ve recently endorsed Governor Kasich.  Who cares.

If Cruz loses in New York by 90%-10%, it’s a badge of honor for him. 

How many Democrats have registered as Republicans so that they can vote for Donald Trump to teach Cruz a lesson?   How many fewer voters will the Democratic side have, and what effect will it have on the Democratic side of things?

It’s really amusing to see New York react to Cruz, especially when Trump has been acting exactly the same way across the country since he got into the race.  If the rest of the country reacted to Trump the way that New York is reacting to Cruz, Trump would definitely not be in first place right now.

I’m going to enjoy the libs vs. Cruz show for as long as it lasts.  He’s making them SO angry.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Law Enforcement Agencies From Across The Country Want FBI’s iPhone Hack: Is There a Black Flag Operation in Progress?

Law enforcement across the country are asking the FBI to share its hack of an iPhone 5C with them so that they can move forward with hundreds of cases across many jurisdictions. 

I’m surprised that Apple hasn’t hit the FBI with a restraining order yet to prevent that from happening.

The legal types over at Apple are probably looking at all the options, including whether Apple might be liable if they patch the FBI hack, thereby denying law enforcement the information that they’re after on hundreds of phones.

I’m not taking a position on that question. 

But I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a black flag operation in progress between the FBI and Apple.  The longer Apple takes to respond publicly, the more suspicious I get.

That has the makings of a Hollywood movie.