The Democrats just can’t stop politicizing everything, including a terrorist attack on a nightclub in Orlando which left forty-nine dead and fifty wounded.
ISIS called for terror attacks in the U.S. during Ramadan in the weeks before the start of the holiday, and that’s exactly what happened. That should be the end of the story.
I also noted that President Obama continued his policy of not naming what the problem is (Radical Islamic terrorism), which has itself become a political hot potato. There’s nothing to be done there, but some things can be pointed out:
Naming the problem defines the problem, which leads to decisive action to deal with the named problem. Putting one’s head in the sand doesn’t help matters any. Nor is being the Observer-in-Chief.
The Democrats focused on the gun issue again. Banning guns won’t stop terrorists.
What’s to stop a terrorist (foreign or domestic) from taking a pressure cooker, loading it up with ball bearings and nails, packing it with low grade explosives, stick a blasting cap stolen from an industrial site into the top of it and simply carrying it into a minimum-security (soft target) nightclub like the one attacked in Orlando and detonating it? Absolutely nothing. The Boston bombers proved it.
ISIS and al-Qaeda love killing themselves and taking their enemies with them. They need to be stopped and their caliphate made into nothing but a memory.
Guns are but one part of the problem. Changing a radical’s heart so that he puts down his weapon and uses his voice (and in this case, his vote) to disagree with his government is something the Democrats and Republicans in federal government need to work on.
Getting guns away from the seriously mentally ill and violence-prone is also something that should be addressed too. Both parties have declined to do anything about it—the Democrats because they don’t want to be labeled as less-than-liberal-minded, and the Republicans because the NRA doesn’t like the idea at all.
There’s a solution out there, but they need to work to find it. And NEVER pass anything immediately after an event like the Orlando catastrophe. That always leads to bad legislation that is very difficult to repeal or fix, especially in an election year.