Tuesday, July 19, 2016

System Bias is Not the Problem in Baltimore’s Freddie Gray Case: Prosecutors Bringing Charges Due to Public Pressure Instead of Evidence IS

I’ve been watching the unfolding story in Baltimore with regards to the Freddie Gray trials, and am not surprised at what’s happening.  It’s not because of system bias, as some think it is.  It’s because the prosecutors brought charges against the police officers without enough evidence to prove their case.  This is reckless prosecution in it’s purest form.

It’s wrong and should be stopped from proceeding any further.  The family has already received $6.4 million from the city of Baltimore to settle the civil lawsuit, and with police officers already suing the prosecutors for their reckless handling of this case, it will probably cost the city even more to put this case to rest.

There can’t be true justice unless the prosecution does their job for all the right reasons.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

This Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words at Least: Obama’s Ties to Islam Becomes Clearer


The above photos recently emerged and started making the rounds on “Obama is a Muslim” web sites, and conservative sites as well.

I don’t have a particular issue with President Obama being a Muslim, but if he actually is, why doesn’t he just come out and admit it, and be done with it?  Is he afraid of not being reelected or something?

He’s been treating ISIS with kid gloves so far, and if a religious belief is preventing him from taking decisive action against those monsters, I think the American people deserve some honesty from President Obama.

All GOP Candidates Who Signed The “Pledge” Should Fulfill Their End of the Deal and Endorse Trump After the GOP Convention: Trump Has Every Right to Expect Their Support

Remember all of that hooplah about all the GOP candidates signing a pledge to support the eventual nominee?  Trump was the only holdout, and he eventually gave his word that he would not stage an independent run if someone else won the nomination, with the caveat that if he was treated “unfairly” that the pledge would be null and void.

Many of the former candidates have refused to endorse Trump, even though he’s the last man standing from their primary campaigns. 

Now Trump has called them out, calling on them to fulfill their pledge.  I hope they do, for the sake of stopping Hillary Clinton.