Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trouble-Making Clowns, Beware: People Aren’t Acting Rationally and May Be Armed on Halloween..Do Us All a Favor and Stay Home

I am predicting that nationally, at least two costume-wearing clowns will be shot and killed on Halloween by people who will be very quick on the trigger.

Some people are using the fear inspired by horror movies involving killer clowns to dress up and scare the living daylights out of other people.  It isn’t funny.  There are tons of videos on YouTube of various pranks, with clowns jumping out of bushes, brandishing weapons, laughing crazily and chasing their frightened victims down the streets.  This has been going on for a while, but it really picked up this year on social media.

People are not acting rationally—both the clowns and the victims are prone to miscalculate and someone may die.   It’s not just a U.S. thing either—it’s going on internationally too.  I just watched a video of a man going berserk after being ambushed by a clown in broad daylight and breaking a bottle over the clown’s head in London.  If someone tells you to “wait here!”, RUN!!

Everyone needs to settle down and think about what’s happening.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Trump Suckered Everyone Again With Comments on Accepting Results of Election: This is a Ploy to Generate Media Attention

Politician after politician and media outlets have piled onto Donald Trump’s comments that he will only accept the results if he wins the election.

Trump is an entertainer and he knows how to entertain people.  In that area, he’s a genius and no one in the entertainment industry can match him for the publicity he can generate, almost at the drop of a hat.  Politicians and the media (who are supposed to be experts on entertainment reporting) have played right into it.

I think he’ll challenge only if something looks fishy, or if Hillary’s campaign sues first.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Anybody But Trump, Glenn Beck? Darrell Castle, Then, Not Hillary Clinton!

Glenn Beck seems to have started back up on his “Anybody but Trump” motif again and seems to be indicating that conservatives should vote for Hillary Clinton to stop Trump.

Bad move.

If conservatives don’t want to vote for Trump, then they should vote for the Constitution Party.  Darrell Castle is the candidate for the Constitution Party, which used to be called the U.S. Taxpayer Party.

He’s pro-life and pro-gun, which are big sellers for me.  He’s also in favor of the U.S. getting out of the United Nations, getting rid of the Federal Reserve (not sure about that move) and other conservative initiatives.

I’d rather see Beck supporting someone like Castle and drawing attention to his platform, rather than fall into the trap of “anyone but Trump.”

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Another Example of Global Warming Hubris and Their Settled Science: “All the Arctic Sea Ice Will Be Gone by September 2016!”

If global warming is “settled science,” then why do they keep getting stuff wrong? 

And their unwillingness to accept that the scientific method is the only sure way to properly vet out fact from fiction is playing out again.  How embarrassing for them.

In 2012, certain climate change scientists predicted that the Arctic would be entirely ice-free by September 2016.  Yet there’s currently 21% more ice than in 2012 when the prediction was made.  This prediction was flat-out wrong.

Any responsible and reputable scientist wouldn’t be as inflexible as this in their climate model predictions.  But because there’s a political aspect to the science now, and it’s “settled,” they can’t deviate from the global warming alarmist position, which is in itself flawed by the political narrative.

Climate change scientists need to be more independent and report on what they find, regardless of the established political narrative. 

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Russia Deploys Advanced Anti-Aircraft Missile Batteries to Syria: If a Single Shot is Taken at a U.S. Aircraft, U.S. Should Immediately Provide Stinger Missiles to Rebels Being Bombed By Russia and Syria

Russia continued its humiliation of the U.S. by deploying anti-aircraft missile systems in Syria to protect Syrian government facilities.


It’s time to give Stinger missiles to the rebels and train them as U.S. forces trained Afghan fighters in Afghanistan in the 1980s during the Soviet invasion.

Russia didn’t deploy those weapons to fight the ISIS Air Force.   They’re there to shoot down coalition aircraft, inbound cruise missiles and anything that goes against their stated support of Assad.

I think a limited war with Russia is possible, now that they’re engaged in a full-court press to humiliate the current Administration.  I think Russia will pull the trigger to make a point because they don’t think we’ll respond in kind.  We must.

Better to turn all of Syria’s airspace into a total no-fly zone than to allow Syria and Russia to keep bombing civilians with impunity.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Global Warming Alarmists Are Trumpeting Their Hot Air Again: CO2 Levels Hit 400ppm and They’re Saying That Levels Will “Never Return to Environmentally-Friendly Levels for the Indefinite Future”; Who Wrote This Piece of Crap?

The hubris is getting mighty deep over at Climate Central.

They’ve gone out on a limb with a sophomoric piece entitled “Enjoy Earth While It Lasts: Atmospheric Carbon Levels Reach Point of No Return.”  It looks like it was written by a high school English student who has just been handed a major science article and skipped to the last page without reading the rest of it.

First of all, legitimate scientists avoid absolutes like the plague, and this article is full of them.   The reason why is that if they’re using the scientific method, they realize that a hypothesis may have to be changed once the hypothesis is tested.

But global warming alarmists don’t use a recognizable version of the scientific method, and if research emerges that disproves their hypothesis (which they label “settled science”, the offending research is suppressed, the authors demonized and then marginalized. 

I also found it interesting that they mentioned a little tidbit near the end of this high school writing assignment that the Arctic “…hasn’t reached the 400ppm level in millions of years.”  What?  You mean it’s been above 400ppm before?  Why of course it has.   It’s been up to over 5,000ppm before.  And human industry wasn't around in those days either (during the Ordovician Era, some 440 million years ago).

They’ve also conveniently failed to define what “environmentally friendly” levels of CO2 are.

By all means, slow down the production of CO2 and quit destroying the rain forests, but don’t try shoveling this “ever” and “permanent” business down our throats.  There’s no such thing.

The planet doesn’t need saving.   It’s survived everything up to planetary impacts and is still here.   It’s our struggling civilization that needs saving, and the sooner global warming alarmists get with the program, the faster that can happen.

I’m not going to get worked up over the CO2 levels reaching the 400ppm -level.  The planet will take care of that too, and if we’re not careful, it’ll take care of us at the same time.