Friday, July 28, 2017

Where is President Trump Finding These Clowns Who are Running His White House Into the Ground? Communications Director and Chief of Staff Lock Horns Publicly With Profanity-Laced Insults Being Traded Out in the Open

What kind of monkey business has overtaken the West Wing, and where is President Trump finding these FOOLS who are bumbling around in the open?

I’m speaking of his Chief of Staff, and his Communications Director who are feuding out in the open, in a Trump-worthy public relations disaster that hasn’t been seen in recent Administrations in quite a long time.

President Trump needs to make an example out of them and fire them both.  Trump is in charge of the West Wing, and both the Communications Director and Chief of Staff serve at the pleasure of the President, and they’re causing a headache for Trump.   Get rid of them both.

Now, Trump needs to settle things with Secretary Sessions over at the Justice Department, whether he makes peace, fires Sessions or causes Sessions to resign.   

At this stage, I don’t care if Trump stays in office or not, so he might as well finish off the Sessions feud how he wants to and move on to whatever awaits him.

I don’t think he cares either.   So why stay in a job he obviously hates?

McCain Votes to Kill “Skinny Repeal” Option and Helps to Kill Measure: His Vote Was Correct

The Senate saw some very late night/early morning dramatics as the “Skinny Repeal” option failed in the Senate, 51-49.   This is a very good thing as it was a half-baked measure that was kept behind closed and locked doors, wasn’t shared with anyone from the opposition or their own party (!) and when it was publicly revealed, it was quickly voted on, with the Republicans hoping that their entire membership would support the quick vote.  That’s not how it went down.

Senator McCain spoke of the need to return to ordinary business through Congressional committees, which I am in complete agreement with.

Now that the repeal has failed, they need to turn their attention to fixing Obamacare, which should be a lot easier than throwing the entire thing out the window and starting over.  The debate should be out in the open for all to see and discuss.  

The entire Congress needs to heed his advice and get back to the normal running of Congress, without locked doors, secret negotiations involving only a few people, and then rushing through

McCain’s stock has gone up with me with his votes and statements.  I hope that the Congress—House and Senate—heed his warning and return to normal business procedures, instead of one party or the other ramrodding stuff through.

Both parties are to blame for the current state of affairs, and both parties need to help clean up their mess.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Latest GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill Dies: Full Repeal Isn’t Possible

I can’t say I’m totally disappointed that the Obamacare repeal bill being pushed by the GOP failed again in the Senate.   I couldn’t support the current bill either.   It’s taking away too much and not keeping basic provisions in place, or doing enough to lower monthly premiums.

The GOP needs to face reality: their repeal efforts will keep failing as there is not enough support within their own party to get it passed.

Here’s another reality that conservatives need to come to grips with: a full repeal isn’t possible at this time—it never was--, so they need to start singing a different tune.  It was a nice campaign promise, but it’s one they can’t deliver. They’re also going to get mauled in the next election, in my opinion.

They should fix the Obamacare law, leave the current coverages in place, and work on getting more people who don’t have employer-sponsored coverage into the exchanges, which will allow the insurance companies to make a profit and stay in the market.  They must take steps to lower monthly premiums, which are killing just about everybody’s paycheck.

There’s no doubt that Obamacare is broken.  I hope the entire conversation shifts gears and they start doing business properly in Congress.