Tuesday, September 26, 2017

GOP Health Care Plans Have Been Awful So Far: That’s Why They Haven’t Gotten a Single Repeal & Replace Plan Through Congress and to the President’s Desk for His Signature or Veto

The GOP is on the verge of shelving their latest healthcare plan after failing to convince enough Senators on their side to support the current bill.

There’s several very good reasons why it has failed so far, and why it will continue to fail.  The plans have simply been awful.  They propose throwing out what’s already in place and throwing too many Americans out of the market and costing jobs, while offering less coverage.  That’s a recipe for disaster, and something that makes Democratic crossovers extremely unlikely.

From my point of view, the whole point of the healthcare problem is to lower premiums, lower deductibles for Americans to make it affordable and offer more choices to the American people, and to enroll more people to make it self-sustaining.  That means fixing what’s already in place.

The GOP leadership will need Democratic help to overcome those who want to get rid of everything.  I won’t support that position (complete repeal) until they come up with something better than what’s in place now.  I was in favor of it, but not with the plans that the GOP has been coming up with. 

I think that’s also why so many don’t like the GOP repeal and replace plans put forward so far.  President Trump did the right thing by getting rid of the mandate, and that’s the only thing that’s been done correctly to this date.

Maybe Twitter Should Delete Both Tump’s Twitter Account and the White House Account: It Would Force Him to Upgrade His Press Team, Use Time-Tested Means of Sending Out Presidential Information and to Re-Establish the Walls of Separation That Have Disappeared With His Administration’s Lack of a Unified Message

I like the fact that President Trump makes public what many of us are thinking, including his thoughts on firing NFLers who are dividing the country—yes, they’re the ones doing the dividing by kneeling during the National Anthem, which one of the few remaining unifying forces (the flag and the military being the others) in our country—, but President Trump lets things run away from him with his lack of discipline and foresight.

What the President of the United States says DOES matter.   Wielding Twitter like a club against his political enemies has unraveled a lot of the already-limited trust that the American public has in the current office-holder.

Twitter should delete President Trump’s account as they would already already for anybody else.   What might happen?

Well, he might get more sleep and not be so cranky first thing in the morning.   How many tweets did he send out yesterday before breakfast?  18?  And most of them directed at the National Anthem controversy, which is now much worse than it was before. 

Some of us started boycotting the NFL two years ago over this issue, and it looked like it was getting better, but then Trump said and tweeted about the “SOB’s getting told that they’re fired,” and then all of a sudden, entire teams got involved.

He might also start to use his press team properly and use his advisors to vet what message is coming out of the White House so that they’re on the same page.  The new Chief of Staff has made things a whole lot better, but all of his progress can be unraveled by 140 character messages in a matter of minutes.  

The White House Press Office is a time-tested means of getting Presidential information out once information has been tempered for public consumption.  

We don’t need Donald Trump the entertainer to entertain us.  And it has been entertaining at times, but it’s not what the country needs.   We need a disciplined President, which we don’t have so far.

The messages coming out of the White House have been confusing.  His press secretary says one thing, then the President apparently changes his mind and then tweets out something totally different within minutes, leaving the Press Office with egg in their faces. 

And putting out international policy in 140 characters?  Rocket Man is going absolutely bonkers (I like Rocket Man better than Litt’l Kim).   I’d rather not have us go to war over a tweet.

I think it would do President Trump some good to get off Twitter and discipline himself to take some hits and to use his people to fire back.  It would be interesting to see how things improve, and how he’d try to get around a ban, that’s for sure.

I hope no future president does what President Trump is doing on Twitter.  The old ways work best.   And a unified message coming out of the White House is preferable to the utter chaos that the come out of the current Administration.