Friday, December 15, 2017

“Jingle Bells” Racist? Um….Who Cares? It’s a Secular Song That Has No Link to Christmas

A college professor came under fire on social media for publishing a paper that suggests that the winter song “Jingle Bells” is racist.

Here’s my two cents.   It’s a secular song that was supposed to be in use around Thanksgiving when it was first written, not Christmas.   It started getting used around Christmas instead, even though it isn’t about Christmas, and isn’t a traditional Christmas song that includes any mention of anything of a religious nature in it. 

It may be that the song is racist, maybe it isn’t.   I’m not going to say anything else about it other than this:   whatever.  

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Trump May Be Using the Jerusalem Controversy to Distract International Attention from Somewhere Else in the World: What’s He Doing?

I can’t help but think that President Trump is using the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and setting the Arab world on fire to distract the international community’s attention away from somewhere else in the world, where he may be preparing to take covert action.

Why do I get the feeling that Kim Jong Un is about to have a fatal accident?

Just a feeling.

Monday, December 04, 2017

Behar...HA HA HA!!

No sympathy for her and her forced walk-back.     She should be suspended too.