Monday, April 30, 2018

Mental Illness on Display at Smut-Fest (aka Washington Correspondents Dinner) and on “The View”: Liberals are Unhinging Faster and Faster and Not Getting Any Better

The Washington Correspondents Dinner happened over the weekend and it was a mean-spirited smut-fest.   Normal people don’t talk like that.

And the “Beheading Trump” lady was on “The View” in the last day or so, withdrawing her apology to President Trump, while going on an F-bomb laced anti-Trump tirade.   They had to shut her microphone off.    She’s clearly not well.   Again, normal people get the hint and stop talking when they’re being shushed by their co-hosts.

Quite a few in the liberal wing of the Democratic Party need to have their steak knives taken away.  They’re going to hurt themselves, especially the smashed-looking Kathy Griffin.   No one accepted her apology anyways.

As for the Dinner, they are raising money for various causes, but they presented the appearance of being smut peddlers, if the opening act was any indicator.   I turned it off after the first smut joke.   I’m not the least bit interested in watching that kind of trash TV from a supposedly respectable organization.   Shame on the organizers for not showing her the door on-camera.

With Kelly Griffin, they should put a mental wellness clause into her appearance contracts.  If she’s smashed or on a tear, she doesn’t go on the air.   I’m not the least bit interested in her kind of useless rhetoric either.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Kim Jong Un Appears to Be on a Path to Peace, But Previous North Korean Promises Have Been Broken Time and Time Again; Will History Repeat Itself?

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un had a very interesting summit with South Korean President Moon a few days ago, in which a couple of interesting tidbits emerged: North and South Korean are moving toward ending the state of war that has existed between them since 1953, and both countries have said that they want a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.

Those are very positive developments, but North Korea, under the previous two Kim regimes, broke every promise that they made in order to gain concessions from South Korea or the U.S.

Kim Jong Un has stated that he wants the U.S. to promise not to attack his country in exchange for giving up his nuclear weapons.  And he’s promised to close down his severely damaged nuclear testing site under international observation. 

That might be one of the reasons for his being summoned to Beijing on an unofficial state visit last month.  

Chinese scientists have recently confirmed that the last nuclear test caused Mount Mantap to start fracturing (“tired mountain syndrome”) and may be causing radioactive materials to be released into the atmosphere.   The released materials may be making their way toward northeastern China, which has gotten Beijing’s immediate ire and attention.

Why should China have to pay the price for North Korea’s carelessness with their nuclear tests?

Things should be made clearer in the coming weeks, as President Trump and Kim Jong Un prepare to meet.   I hope the two Koreas step back from the brink and make peace along with the U.N. Command.

But if they do, what will happen next?   

Kim Jong Un needs to be under international indictment for awful human rights abuses against his own people.   

No matter what steps he takes to make himself more statesman-like, that’s the huge elephant sitting in the room that cannot be ignored.  He’s no statesman, he’s a bloodthirsty dictator.   And President Trump needs to keep that in mind in his dealings with Kim Jong Un.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Parkland Students Seem to Be Ignoring the Issue That Sparked the Shooting at Their School: They Could Be Leading the Charge Against Bullying, Which Takes Place at All Schools and in All Settings, But They’re Focused on One Aspect of a Larger Problem

I remain deeply troubled over the gun control debate that has taken up all the air in the room and left little energy to address a much more serious problem that affects far more students than gun violence has.   The issue is bullying, which has sparked the much-talked about attacks on schools.

By all means, ban the AR-15 and other military-grade assault rifles.  There.  Done.

Now, what about the bullying?   I have yet to hear a single word from these student groups doing all the yammering about the NRA and the evil guns.   But what about the evil actions of others that affect 1 in 3 students in the form of bullying?

The exact number of suicides that are directly attributable to bullying is unknown, but it’s in the thousands per year.   One statistic said that there were over 4,000 student-aged suicides in 2014 that were directly attributed to bullying.    If this boils down to sheer numbers, far more students die from bullying than from gun violence in the schools.   When will we start discussing that as a society and quit blaming the NRA for everything in sight?

If A Caravan of Illegals is on the Way to Our Border to Cross Into the U.S., It’s Time to Move the Army to the Border to Put a Stop to It:

If there’s a thousand people coming up to cross the border any way they can, it’s time to put a dozen Army and Marine divisions onto the border to put a stop to it.

Enough of the foreign adventures: bring those troops home and use them here to protect their country.   I’d be willing to bet those troops would like to protect their own people a lot better than trying to start democracies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.   And it won’t cost as much to operate bases in the American Southwest than it does to operate bases in Afghanistan.

If this first assault on our border is successful, it’ll happen again and again.  And if there’s to be no wall, we need another option.   ICE and Customs and Border Protection will be spread to thin, and they’re likely to be outnumbered and outgunned.

Time to take border protection to a new level, and quickly.  The caravan that’s traveling through Mexico (the Mexicans are doing nothing to stop it) is said to be made up of people from Central America—Honduras in particular.  

The law says that troops cannot be used to assist local law enforcement, but border protection is a federal matter, which makes it federal jurisdiction.   The military can be used to protect the United States.   Before control of the border is lost, those troops need to be in place.

Make haste.