Friday, May 25, 2018

Kim Jong Un Was Looking for Wiggle Room and a Weak Response from President Trump and Didn’t Find Either: Trump SLAMMED the Door in North Korea’s Face and Cancelled the Summit

Kim Jong Un got owned by President Trump yesterday, and it was a great surprise.   The North Korean dictator was looking for some wiggle room and a weak American response to North Korea’s recent saber rattling and appeared shocked when there was no American weakness on display, as with previous Administrations.

It was a great power-slam that took everybody by surprise.   I noted today that North Korea sounded conciliatory, so we’ll see what’s going on soon enough. 

Why is everybody acting surprised?  President Trump announced that he’d get up from the table and walk away if North Korea screwed around again, and that’s exactly what he’s done.    I’m enjoying the global and American liberal reactions.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Not Sure Why McCain is Having Buyer’s Regret Now: He Should Have Chosen a Different Running Mate When It Mattered in 2008

I’m having trouble following what John McCain is talking about when he says that he should have chosen his friend, Joe Lieberman, in 2008 and not Sarah Palin.   It’s a little late for that. 

Disrespecting his running mate ten years after the fact?    I am disappointed with the comments, even though I’m not a Palin fan and not a particular McCain fan either.   I greatly respect what he’s done for our country and for his clear-cut stands against torture.

But Palin has a right to feel like she’s been “gut-punched.”