Saturday, August 25, 2018

McCain Loses His Fight Against Brain Cancer: The Country Has Lost an Island of Calm in a Sea of Chaos

Senator McCain lost his battle against his cancer this morning, and the country has lost a voice of reason.

I agreed with him on various issues over the years, and disagreed with him over others, but time may well prove that he was correct on the vast majority of his stands.

We need more like him in Congress; he was one of the few who could actually negotiate with his opponents across the aisle and express the feelings of conservatives who were/are being increasingly targeted by liberal hate groups and companies.

I think the country was a lot safer with John McCain around than it is without.   He will be missed.

Russia: Staged Chemical Attack Being Prepared in Syria That Will Trigger U.S. Missile Attack on Syria….Translation: Russian Spetznatz Are Assisting Iranian and Syrian Forces With Chemical Attack Preparation and They’re Going to Blame the UK and US When It Happens

Russia’s preparing the world for another scene of carnage in Syria by announcing through the media that another chemical weapons attack is going to take place before it happens, and that UK special forces are helping anti-Syrian rebels to do it, which, Russia predicts, will cause Western military action in Syria again.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure this out.   Russia’s chafing over accusations that it tried to assassinate a former Russian spy and his daughter in the U.K. using Soviet-era chemical agents and wants to put the UK government in the same position, while dragging in the U.S. at the same time.  Sanctions against Russia over the UK attack go into effect on Monday.

I have no doubt that a chemical weapons attack will happen, except it’s Russia, Syria and Iran who will be behind it, not the U.S. or United Kingdom.  

This is a Russian false flag operation, not an American or British one.   So why doesn’t Russia do something to stop it, since they’ve already announced how much chemical agent will be used in this Russian false flag operation?

This is an obvious Russian trap for President Trump, who may well attack Syrian and Iranian positions in Syria in response, which will lead the Russians to launch a media blitz stating that President Trump is “wagging the dog” to throw attention off his domestic legal problems, which will trigger a liberal response.   The Russians want to massively destabilize the U.S. political system by any means, so this kind of operation would fit right into their anti-American (and anti-British) agenda.

The Russians have proven to be highly effective at firing up liberals in this country and know exactly which buttons to push to get a response, since they’re already unhinged by everything Trump.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Trump is Right; Sessions is Wrong: He Never Had Complete Control Over the Justice Department or It’s Operations: After All, Didn’t He Recuse Himself From All Things Russian and Turn It Over to Someone Else?

There have been some interesting Twitter volleys and media comments between Attorney General Sessions and President Trump in recent days.  

Trump said that Sessions doesn’t have control over the DOJ (and never did) and wanted to know why Sessions didn’t tell him that he was going to recuse himself from all things Russian before he was confirmed.

Sessions fired back that he had complete control over the DOJ and that it wouldn’t be improperly influenced by politics.

Sessions seems to be the one out of touch in this conversation.  

He surrendered control of the Russia investigation to his deputy attorney general, and the FBI and DOJ have both been improperly influenced by politics already.  The Clinton emails are all the evidence needed.  And Sessions hasn’t done enough to root “Never Trumpers” out of the FBI or DOJ.

In this instance, Trump is right to criticize the Attorney General.   I don’t think the AG is going to last much longer.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why Do Retired Feds Get to Keep Their High Security Clearances? These Should Be Subject to Yearly Reviews and Revoked if the People Involve Start Working for the Media

I was surprised to hear that President Trump had revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan, but not because I’m against Trump or in the Democratic “resistance.”   I’m just surprised that he had a clearance, given his new job.

No wonder we have so many security leaks coming out of Washington.  

According to the Washington Post, lifelong security clearances have been informally granted for a long time, especially in the intelligence agencies.  This practice should be ended for those who join the media, or become politicians (and should have to go through background checks again).  This would apply to John Brennan, who works for ABC News and MSNBC as a security consultant and analyst.

I do think it’s important for CIA Directors and other heads of agencies to be able to consult with their predecessors for advice, but if those predecessors work for the media, they shouldn’t have the same clearance as in their working days.

The security classification system needs a major overhaul, and a clearer understanding of what the expectations are need to be explained to classification-holders.