Sunday, September 30, 2018

Feinstein Shouldn’t Be Writing to FBI and White House for Clarification About FBI Investigation of Supreme Court Nominee: She Should Be Writing to the FBI Explaining Her Role in Suppressing Knowledge of Possible Sexual Assault Since Late July and Why She Revealed the Information the Way She Did

Dianne Feinstein received Mrs. Ford’s letter on July 30th that accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault and suppressed it until it was most useful to the Democrats.   This just reeks of criminal conspiracy.   To make matters worse, she originally said she gave the letter to the FBI after she received it, but in reality, she didn’t refer it to the FBI until mid-September. 

Then she had the audacity to throw Mrs. Ford under the bus to save her own neck.   If I was Mrs. Ford, I’d be feeling awfully disrespected by those who took up her mantle.

This confirmation process has been botched from day one, and the Democrats are to blame for it.   The FBI should have been contacted the next day, and the information investigated fully.  It would have been over and done with over a month ago.   But that’s not what we have.

Do the Democrats recall what happens when they pull stunts like this?   The Republicans do the same thing down the road when the Democrats least need or want it.   This vicious cycle needs to come to an end.

And who are the Democrats to claim moral authority on sex crimes?   There’s a list of accused Democrats as long as my arm; the Republicans are equally as guilty.    

They need to stick to their agreement about the FBI investigation, read the report and vote up or down based on what they read without further delay.   If enough Republicans don’t like what they read in the FBI report, Kavanaugh will be voted down, and the Democratic criminal “resistance” rendered moot.

Unlike the Democrats, if they see something morally reprehensible in the FBI report, they’ll vote against the nominee because it’s the right thing to do.  If it was a DEMOCRATIC nominee, the Dems would be doing their best to overlook it; see the Bill Clinton and Al Franken matters respectively.  

Feinstein needs her own FBI investigation.  If an ordinary Jane or John were to suppress evidence of a sex crime, or any kind of crime for that matter,  how much trouble would that Jane or John be in if they were discovered as Feinstein has been?   Criminal charges against Feinstein are in order here.   And the sooner, the better.  

Congress cannot act like this without consequences.   Examples need to be set.   Revolting!

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Pope Francis, DO SOMETHING! Your Church is Drowning and You’re Standing on the Shore With Rescue Gear and Doing Nothing!

I’m very frustrated with the Pope.  

I can live with his liberal theology, as misdirected as it is, but what I can’t stand is his deafening silence on the scandal that’s enveloping his Church worldwide.  He’s like a lifeguard standing on the shore with rescue gear IN HIS HANDS and watching as someone drowns.   How long are you going to stand there and do nothing, Pope Francis?

If he can’t do the job, he should follow Pope Benedict’s example and step down.

If this scandal goes unaddressed for much longer, his abdication of his papal responsibilities will make it impossible for him to govern the church.   He’s nearly in an untenable situation right now,  with half the church wanting to show him the door over his ineffective crisis leadership.

Pope Francis also needs to understand that not everyone is out to create scandal.   Many want to put a stop to it, and these are the last people that Pope Francis should be telling to “shut up.”   He needs their help quite badly, and they need him to get his act together, and show some spine. 

Do it!