Is anyone pleased with the price of a gallon of gas these days?
The oil companies and oil sheiks are. So's al-Qaeda; anything to screw us meets with their approval. Screw them.
Now is the time to pour tons of money into finding an alternative to Arab oil. And I don't mean Texas oil or Alaskan oil. We need to be free and clear of oil in the next ten to fifteen years or so. Then we can tell the cartels what to go and do with their oil!
It is clear that we won't get any relief from "W" as he is heavily invested in the oil industry. We'll have to wait until the next President (after Bush's second term in office) to pour the needed billions into alternative fuel research.
So much of our foreign policy is geared toward securing and maintaining our oil supplies. When we no longer have need of it, how will our foreign policy change? Hopefully whatever it turns into, it will be for the betterment of all humankind.
Do you have any kind of idea how much more Europeans are paying for their oil? (Yeah, I know the reason in the difference is mostly the taxes, but there are environmental reasons for those taxes, what most of the Americans fail to understand. America engourages people to buy oil and use it carefreely - Europeans are more aware of that there'll be time when cheap oil is pretty fantasy, and if alternatives for fuel aren't being investigated, people will be in trouble.)
That's unfair, not only because 'in ten to fifteen years o so' there will be no more cheap oil, not in these amounts, not if things go as they have so far. Cheap, easy oil is pretty much used up in max. twenty years.
So... You can really tell the cartels, then... When they have nada to sell, anyway.
I suspect that flying is going to be a travelling only for millionares in not so many decades. We'll live to see the day.
People are stupid. They denie it until it doesn't only knock on their doors, but crashes right trough it.
Thanks for posting.
The Europeans are screaming louder than we are right now. Parts of Europe are paying the equivalent of $5.00 a gallon today. I took a look at several major online European newspapers and many in the European public seem to want their gas taxes to be cut. That's unlikely to happen.
I mentioned the fifteen year time-span because that seems the most likely time for the West to suffer an oil crash (low supply, high demand, extremely high prices) IF the reserve estimates are accurate.
An alternative should be developed beforehand so that if supplies are severely limited, people won't freeze to death during the winter or starve to death when the food distribution system breaks down.
In any case, we need to be ready. If we can develop a fuel that is environmentally friendly, that will also go a long ways toward ensuring the survival of our civilization.
My paycheck won't cover $15 a gallon, which is the direction that we are indeed heading as you indicated. Millionares could very well be the only ones flying in fifteen years.
Let's make sure that doesn't happen.
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