Governor Jeb Bush needs to take radical action to save Terri Schiavo's life. Civil authorities have passed a death sentence on this woman, though she has done no wrong.
When will people wake up and realize that a human life is not something to be thrown away? Abortion is wrong, the death penalty is wrong and withholding food and water from a woman who may well live for decades and improve is definitely wrong. This is the culture of death that has been created in the United States. And Terri will die to satisfy that culture.
The federal judges won't touch this case for two reasons: Congress flouted established procedure by ordering federal courts to look at the case instead of BANNING the practice of withholding food and water from the terminally ill; AND they don't want to make a decision that might start to unravel Roe v. Wade. So the courts are sidestepping the issue of slapping Congress around AND protecting unjust laws that allow things like abortion and the death penalty, which has been imposed on Terri.
This is not about the right to die. This is about the system executing a woman who can't speak for herself and arbitrarily deciding that a dead Terri would protect the system. They have no moral authority to make a decision like that.
Governor Bush needs to realize that an innocent woman is being executed for no reason, and the courts are upholding that sentence because of ego and because they are protecting the death penalty, Roe v. Wade and other anti-life measures. The system is broken down; Terri shouldn't die because of that breakdown, so Governor Bush should break some rules, rescue Terry, and do what he can to save her life if it's not too late and worry about the consequences later.
Enough litigation, already! Oh, and for those who would compare an action like this to what Janet Reno did with Elian Gonzales, Elian was not being starved to death by his Florida relatives and wasn't in danger of dying. That was Reno's impatience with the courts. In Terri's case, time is not on her side. She's starving to death and ten year-olds are being arrested for trying to bring her a glass of water!
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