Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Doctor Proposes New CPR Technique

MSNBC reported a story about a doctor who wants to change how CPR is done. Currently the American Heart Association and the Red Cross teach adult CPR with a 15:2 chest compression to rescue breath ratio. To review, here is the technique from start to finish (for an unconscious adult who is NOT choking) :

  • Survey the Scene
  • Determine Responsiveness
  • Call 911
  • Head Tilt/Chin Lift
  • Look, Listen & Feel for Breathing
  • 2 Rescue Breaths
  • Check Pulse--No Pulse, Start CPR. (We'll assume there is no pulse).
  • Start four cycles of 15 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths.
  • After the fourth cycle of 15:2, recheck pulse. If pulse present, continue rescue breathing. If no pulse present, go for another four cycles of 15:2.

The doctor in this story says to skip the rescue breaths and just do chest compressions. He says that the current CPR technique is causing more people to die and has convinced Tucson, AZ, to use his technique. Early results appear promising, but more research needs to be done.

A note to all CPR-trained people: unless/until the American Medical Association says otherwise (as well as the Red Cross and American Heart Association), continue the current technique. If they go with any new techniques, you'll get the new training the next time you go to recertify. This is still in the early stages of development.

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