Before you read any further, this post does contain some spoilers for the new Star Wars film. Stop reading here if you don't want part of the story revealed. Otherwise, please scroll down.
George Lucas is taking flak from parents' groups for showing so much violence in the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith.” Specifically, the violence mentioned was the Jedi being annihilated by the Sith and the murder of the Jedi younglings by Anakin and the clonetroopers.
Also, Anakin Skywalker’s transformation into Darth Vader is said to be particularly gruesome as he will sustain severe injuries at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi before he bursts into flames next to a lake of lava. Palpatine’s injuries at Mace Windu’s hands which leads to his disfigurement was said to be nasty too.
The film has received a PG-13 rating for a very good reason. Some parents are unhappy with that fact. Up until now, parents could let their kids go to Star Wars without them, but now that there’s a PG-13 rating on “Revenge of the Sith” they have to go with the children if they’re under the age of 13. Too bad. Get over it. That’s what the real problem is.
On the other side of the coin, some Star Wars fans have felt that George Lucas pulled his punches in the first two movies of the new trilogy. “The Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” were very good movies, but once again, they were geared toward a younger audience. Jar Jar Binks, anyone?
“The Phantom Menace” felt like it had been sterilized of any dirt and grime. “Attack of the Clones” was better, but still Lucas held back. Some felt he should have shown Anakin killing more Tusken Raiders in a fit of rage after his mom died of her injuries and showed more Jedi being slaughtered on Geonosis. They thought the same thing about the titanic first battle between the Republic Clonetroopers and the Federation droid army toward the end of Episode II, but Lucas wanted a PG rating and cut stuff out.
Lucas is telling his story and can do so any way that he wants.
If one needs another perspective, look at the title of the franchise: “Star Wars.” Not “Star Kids” or “Star Barney” or “Star Wimps.” Star WARS.
Wars involve violence, do they not? They involve killing, do they not? Lucas has to establish that Vader helped the Emperor wipe out the Jedi. If Lucas was really mean-spirited about it, Jar Jar Binks would have been beheaded by a swipe of Anakin’s lightsaber in “Revenge of the Sith.” Doubtless this would have pleased many older fans, but would have been terribly upsetting to the kiddies who continue to dress up as Jar Jar at Halloween.
The speculation will finally end on May 19th. It has a PG-13 rating. So what? It’s about time!
Kids should be accompanied by a parent as a lot of bad stuff will be happening in this film. Better yet, parents should screen the film before allowing their under-13 children to see it.
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