Monday, July 11, 2005

Encouraging Sign: Afghan Village Hid and Protected Wounded Navy SEAL From Taliban

In a very encouraging piece of news coming out of Afghanistan, the sole surviving Navy SEAL of a battle between remnants of the Taliban and a four-man SEAL recon team was able to make good his escape after being blown down a mountainside by an RPG that exploded near him during the battle.

According to reports, he was able to walk two miles from the battle before being found by an Afghan villager who took him in, treated his wounds and hid him from the Taliban who came looking for him. The villager then took a note from the wounded SEAL and took it to nearby U.S. and coalition forces.

This story is good news: villagers are actively resisting the Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in the mountains of Afghanistan.

The other three members of the SEAL team perished in the battle along with sixteen other Special Forces soldiers who came looking for them and were shot down by the Taliban a couple of weeks ago.

Afghanistan remains one of the world’s most dangerous places and is still a central battlefield for the ongoing war on terror. It’s safe to say that the war in Afghanistan is continuing to go better than expected in spite of the recent battles and heavy casualties suffered by the SEALS and U.S. Special Forces and Afghan Army soldiers.

They’re doing a terrific job.

Here's the story.

Hopefully the coalition will protect the Afghan who saved the SEAL from the Taliban, who may now take revenge on the man and his family.

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