Tuesday, May 09, 2006

U.S. Decision to Tell Corrupt Mexican Government Where Minutemen Patrols Are Actually Increases Danger Along Border Area

The Minutemen project has been continuing in the Arizona desert with Minuteman patrols interdicting illegal border crossers since the beginning of April.

In the last couple of days, it has emerged that U.S. authorities have been informing their Mexican counterparts of Minutemen movements, where they are, and what they are doing. This is not a good decision and here's why:

During the first Minuteman project, it emerged that Mexican and Hispanic gangs were going to go to the border area to kill as many Minutemen as they could find. MS-13 was one of the gangs threatening to do precisely that. The Brown Beret gang was another.

The Mexican government has a huge corruption problem.

Who is to say that any information passed to Mexican authorities won't end up in the hands of the very ones who are threatening violence to stop the Minutemen? The drug cartels and gangs have friends in the Mexican government. And they have vowed to "teach the Minutemen a lesson."

When an entire group of Minutemen get gunned down in a hail of bullets from Mexican gangs in the Arizona desert and who have the precise location of the Minutemen patrols courtesy of the U.S. and Mexican governments, whose fault will it be? And what will follow? A border war? Armed vigilantes crossing the border in both directions seeking revenge? The Rio Grande turning into a river of blood?

The odds are that this decision will lead to American deaths on our side of the border. There HAS to be a better way to deal with this.

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