Senator Kerry acts upset when people don't believe that he didn't mean to insult the U.S. military, yet his history of playing both sides is entirely of his own creation. He's a master flip-flopper, as was demonstrated during the fiery Presidential campaign of 2004. Many people just don't believe him because of his history.
The Senator should apologize for giving offense instead of digging in his heels and trying to shift the story to President Bush. Everyone is well aware of the Bush Administration's faltering Iraq policy, but that is NO excuse for taking a pot shot at the military that is carrying out the orders that the civilian leadership gave them, WITH Senator Kerry's now-famous 'yes' vote on the Iraq War resolution.
Botched joke or not, he owes the military an apology for making a highly insulting comment.
The Democrats now have a scapegoat if they don't carry both the House and Senate. The groans from Democrats began almost immediately and have been reverberating from coast to coast ever since. No one thought that a Democrat as prominent as John Kerry would deliver the October Surprise to aid the GOP.
And this is the first time in a long while that Limbaugh, Hannity AND Savage have been in total agreement on their respective radio shows. That's amazing in itself.
It's highly doubtful that Kerry will be out of the news by tonight as a CNN analyst predicted. The Republicans are just going to keep egging Kerry on, and Kerry's going to keep responding, unless the Democratic party leaders get control of him.
I think it's safe to say that Senator Kerry has guaranteed an increase in conservative voter turnout next Tuesday. Should be interesting to see what effect this has on campaigns around the country.
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