Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Al Gore Just Doesn't Get It: His Climate Models Are All Wrong

Al Gore testified before Congress this morning, and continued to pretend that global warming never happened in the past. He's also ignoring billions of years of additional climate modeling which show that cold periods and warm periods in the Earth's past come and go; here's a sample of the research that he is wishing would go away.

And this was LONG before humanity came along, too.

Gore needs to shift gears and start talking about what we should be doing to prepare for the changes that will come with a warming period, and quit trying to defeat Mother Nature. She'll win, EVERY single time.

Gore fails to mention that climate change is going to happen even if we eliminated ALL sources of pollution and greenhouse gases immediately. His pretentious assertion that we can "stop" global warming is a boatload of crap.

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