Sunday, August 12, 2007

GOP Field Finally Starts to Narrow: Gov. Thompson Pulls Out of Race

Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson dropped out of the GOP race for his party's presidential nomination today, after placing sixth in the Iowa straw polls.

He's the smartest one out of all of them. I like Tommy Thompson, but he wasn't the right man in the right place at the right time. This time. He may be a Vice-Presidential candidate down the road.

There are still too many candidates. More GOP candidates should follow Thompson's example and help to clear the board. Those who weren't sure of where they stand with potential voters know now.


1) Gov. Mitt Romney 31%.
2) Gov. Mike Huckabee 18.1%
3) Sen. Sam Brownback 15.3%
4) Tom Tancredo 13.7%
5) Ron Paul 9.1%
6) Tommy Thompson 7.3%
7) Fred Thomson 1.4%
8) Rudy Giuliani 1.2%
9) Duncan Hunter 1.2%
10) John McCain <1%
11) John Cox <1%

Should be interesting to see if any of the others throw in the towel too.

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