Saturday, October 04, 2008

$700 Billion Bailout/Mistake is Actually $850 Billion With Vote Buyoffs

The $700 bailout of Wall Street's Folly will actually be $850 billion with the bribes paid out to members of Congress to change their votes from "nay" to "yay."

Here is the list of pork that was added to the bill:

  • $100 million for the construction of a race track.
  • $49 million to spread the taxes out from the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster over three years.
  • $239 million payout to fishermen who suffered losses during the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
  • $3.3 billion for a "Secure rural schools and community self-determination program."
  • $3.3 billion in tax cuts for people who don't pay state taxes.
  • $478 million for Hollywood.
  • $148 million for wool subsidies.
  • $33 million for development costs to American Samoa.
  • $10 million for a fringe benefit to employers whose employees ride their bicycles to work.
  • $322 million for manufacturers of efficient appliances--not for people who buy them!
  • $192 million for rum duties. The pirates will be very happy about this provision.
  • $2 million for production of wooden arrows for children.

The provisions listed above are the most objectionable ones (in my opinion) in the entire objectionable bill; here is the complete list as compiled by the Taxpayers for Common Sense watchdog group.

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