Monday, February 09, 2009

CNN's Nancy Grace is Spending FAR Too Much Time on Caylee Anthony Murder: Yes, It Was a Horrible Crime, But That's Not the Only Thing That's Happened

Every time I'm flipping through the news channels and see Nancy Grace on CNN Headline News, she's doing EXHAUSTIVE reporting and commentary on the murder of baby Caylee Anthony.

I'm not trying to dimimish the horror of that particular case, but her nonstop coverage has sensationalized it to a point that I can't stand it anymore. If the word "Anthony" is anywhere on the screen, I flip the channel.

She really needs to vary her programming, while monitoring the situation. I do wish she'd devote some time to the issues that she covers on her web site, which proves that there are other kinds of cases going on every day around us.

I'm not completely sure why she's devoted this kind of airtime (over a month, daily) to one particular topic.

We had a similar type of case in the Lansing area a couple of years ago, where the parent/parents claimed that their little boy had gone missing, but had in fact murdered him by beating him to death with a hammer. I'm still angry over that situation and get reminded of it every so often when the parents try to weasle their way out of their sentences.

I also don't like to be reminded of it every time I turn on CNN Headline News at 10pm. Both situations ARE ugly reminders of the evil that is present in our society, but Nancy, PLEASE vary your programs a little more! The world is still going on.

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