The economy is sound, eh?
All I have to do is look out the front window of my house to the state unemployment office across the street and see the line extending out the front door to know that this economy definitely ISN'T sound. And the cars parked in front of my house with the drivers walking over there to join the line just reinforces this observation.
The economy is a LONG ways from turning around. What planet is the Obama Administration broadcasting from, because it certainly ISN'T this one!
Just because the stock market is up over the last five days doesn't mean A THING! It's still down 6,947 points from a year ago and down 3,000 points since President Obama took office. What's causing the stock market to rise is Obama not issuing press releases or having press conferences.
When the line isn't running out the door at the unemployment office and the cars aren't piled up in front of my house, and Michigan workers aren't losing their jobs left and right, THEN I'll believe his rhetoric, but not now.
What I'm watching out my own front window doesn't square with the rhetoric.
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