Thursday, April 30, 2009
Obama's First 100 Days Are the Most Expensive 100 Days in Human History: 1,360 Days to 2013 Inauguration Day and Possible New Administration
There's no other way to look at it. Even Reagan's massive arms build-up in the 1980s doesn't even come close to matching the amount of money that Obama has managed to commit to "fixing" the banking system and the economy in his first 100 days in office. His spending plans are expected to add $9.3 trillion to the national debt, according to the Congressional Budget Office; Reagan took the national debt up to $3 trillion over eight years.
And Obama's $3.6 trillion budget next year won't even touch paying down the debt. It's all spending, with over 9,000 earmarks that he promised wouldn't be in the bill. Instead of running up the debt, he should be paying it down.
That's what I see when I look at his first 100 days; that's a bigger issue than his kissing up to communists and international gangsters, like the Saudi king and Hugo Chavez.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Arlen Specter Joins the Democratic Party: All Pro-Choice Republicans Do the Same Thing
They're closet Democrats anyways.
The only part of his defection that I disagree with is that he isn't resigning his seat and running under his new party's banner, as a few others have done in the past.
The following senators decided to switch parties and resigned before running for the same seat under their new party (and won the special election):
Wayne Morris (Oregon)
Strom Thurmond (South Carolina)
The following Representatives did the same thing:
Albert Watson (South Carolina)
Phil Gramm (Texas)
Specter was getting killed in the polls against his primary challenger, so this may be a large part of why he's doing this now. And for giving the Democrats their supermajority, they may have offered a deal to Specter in exchange for his defection.
Good riddance.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nancy Grace Is STILL Going On and On Over the Anthony Case, and I Keep Flipping the Channel: Did Anything Else Happen in the World?
Yet when I go over to her web site, she has a TON of interesting stuff that never makes it onto the air. Her program would be MUCH more interesting if she didn't beat one case to death, daily, and for months on end.
I can't believe she's spent this much air time on ONE case.
Didn't anything else happen in the world that was newsworthy? Not judging by the content of her program.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Army Battallion Spends Two Weeks in Iraq, Then Receives Orders to Go to Afghanistan
An entire Army battallion that arrived in Iraq in the last few weeks just got orders to head directly to Afghanistan, where their skills set is badly needed.
This doesn't happen too often, where a unit is deployed to one war zone, then gets orders to go to another. The Army logistics people say that it will take between 40-60 flights to get the soldiers, vehicles, and equipment from the 4th Engineering Battallion from Baghdad to southern Afghanistan.
I'm surprised that it actually hasn't happened more, but it appears more likely now that the U.S. military is carrying out their orders to bump up the force in Afghanistan while reducing the size of their force in Iraq.
I think this is a good move as the mine-clearing capability of the 4th Engineers is needed to reduce the number of IED attacks on coalition forces. 60% of coalition losses are now from IED and mine attacks in Afghanistan, and they need to turn that around.
Obama Kisses Chavez's Exterior Posterior: SHAME on Obama for Putting His Weakness on Display!
Is he going to start waving a piece of paper around saying "Peace in our time" like Neville Chamberlain did before Hitler's armies started rampaging across Europe?
Venezuela needs to be put into its proper place, not appeased. Chavez will use his massive arms buildup to arm insurgents all across South America and make the drug war in Mexico look like a picnic. He's already been accused of sending arms across his border to topple governments that he doesn't like.
Making friends with Hugo Chavez? I'm afraid to find out what Obama's going to do next. I'm not impressed with his making friends with soon-to-be-bankrupt Venezuela and it's communist leader. He's handed Chavez a HUGE propaganda victory.
I don't think this is fitting behavior for a U.S. President.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tea Party Media Coverage Shows How Far Liberal Networks Have Fallen: Their New Format Sucks
It shows how inept the media has become.
While conservative media outlets dutifully covered liberal protests, like the Sheehan protests at former President Bush's ranch in Texas and the 700,000 out of a million-man march, and other liberal "grass-roots" (rent-a-mob) protests, such as the illegal-immigration protests, the liberal media didn't even cover the Tea Parties from a neutral standpoint.
MSNBC and CNN took the lead in denouncing the Tea Parties as white power racist protests against President Obama. I saw a lot of non-whites at the Michigan Tea Parties. Are they racists too?
MSNBC isn't even reporting the news anymore; the paradigm has shifted so radically there that it makes Fox News look like a pure news program with it's mix of news and personality-based political programs.
This pure aggression coming from MSNBC and the other liberal outlets won't help their ratings; it will appeal only to their own audiences. To prove the point, take a look at the ratings from April 15th: (credit:
Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for April 15, 2009
P2+ = viewers over the age of 2
(25-54) = Adults 25-54 viewing
(35-64) = Adults 35-64 viewing
Prime Time = 8-11pm
LIVE+SD: The number that watched a program either while it was broadcast OR watched via DVR on the same day [through 3AM the next day] the program was broadcast. For more information see Numbers 101.
- Scratch = when a show’s audience fails to meet minimum Nielsen reporting levels. For more information go here.
P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,589,000 viewers
CNN – 711,000 viewers
MSNBC –479,000 viewers
CNBC – 249,000 viewers
HLN – 400,000 viewers
P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 3,390,000 viewers
CNN—1,070,000 viewers
MSNBC –1,210,000 viewers
CNBC – 167,000 viewers
HLN – 909,000 viewers
25-54 Total Day
FNC –444,000 viewers
CNN –207,000 viewers
MSNBC –150,000 viewers
CNBC –59,000 viewers
HLN- 173,000 viewers
25-54 Prime Time
FNC – 864,000 viewers
CNN –290,000 viewers
MSNBC –388,000 viewers
CNBC – a scratch w/ 45,000 viewers
HLN – 334,000 viewers
35-64 Total Day
FNC –732,000 viewers
CNN –321,000 viewers
MSNBC –241,000 viewers
CNBC –111,000 viewers
HLN- 217,000 viewers
35-64 Prime Time
FNC –1,406,000 viewers
CNN – 404,000 viewers
MSNBC –603,000 viewers
CNBC –86,000 viewers
HLN –487,000 viewers
Morning programs (6:00AM-9:00AM) P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
FOX & Friends –1,049,000 viewers (335,000) (581,000)
American Morning- 518,000 viewers (202,000) (305,000)
Morning Joe-395,000 viewers (119,000) (200,000)
Squawk Box-210,000 viewers (53,000) (120,000)
Morning Express w/ Meade- 348,000 viewers (162,000) (198,000)
6PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Special Report w/Bret Baier – 2,401,000 viewers (541,000) (1,927,000)
Situation Room—942,000 viewers (280,000) (427,000)
Ed Show —563,000 viewers (118,000) (233,000)
Mad Money—228,000 viewers (75,000) (111,000)
Prime News—341,000 viewers (135,000) (199,000)
7PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Fox Report w/Shepard Smith– 2,185 ,000 viewers (531,000) (943,000)
Lou Dobbs –870,000 viewers (265,000) (426,000)
Hardball w/Chris Matthews—737,000 viewers (182,000) (321,000)
Kudlow Report —238,000 viewers (62,000) (123,000)
Issues– 644,000 viewers (226,000) (329,000)
8PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
O’Reilly Factor —3,980,000 viewers (927,000) (1,623,000)
Campbell Brown—892,000 viewers (209,000) (346,000)
Countdown w/Keith Olbermann —1,499,000 viewers (483,000) (707,000)
CNBC Reports – 203,000 viewers (53,000) (95,000)
Nancy Grace –1,336,000 viewers (454,000) (669,000)
9 PM - P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Hannity– 3,239,000 viewers (866,000) (1,348,000)
Larry King Live—1,292,000 viewers (349,000) (449,000)
Rachel Maddow Show —1,149,000 viewers (363,000) (550,000)
American Greed—198,000 viewers (95,000) (a scratch w/ 48,000)
Lou Dobbs Tonight- 590,000 viewers (327,000) (189,000)
10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On the Record w/Greta—2,947,000 viewers (799,000) (1,243,000)
Anderson Cooper—1,026,000 viewers (311,000) (417,000)
Countdown w/Keith Olbermann —981,000 viewers (317,000) (552,000)
On the Money – a scratch w/ 99,000 viewers, (a scratch w/ 33,000) (69,000)
Nancy Grace –848,000 viewers (379,000) (492,000)
11 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
O’Reilly Factor —2,090 ,000 viewers (741,000) (1,063,000)
Anderson Cooper—663,000 viewers (214,000) (286,000)
Rachel Maddow Show –609,000 viewers (231,000) (354,000)
Mad Money—a scratch w/89,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 35,000) (a scratch w/ 50,000)
Showbiz Tonight– 561,000 viewers (290,000) (308,000)
For other days cable news ratings click here.
----------------Judging by the above numbers, the liberals need to change their tactics. After all, they created the very environment that Fox News now excels in, due to their catering their programs to liberal Democrats and trying to demonize the other side. And all they can do is CRY about Fox News and the success that it enjoys.
But the new format that they seem to have adopted will backfire. We really need the networks to get back to reporting the news AS-IS, without fanfare and without Nancy Grace-ing it to DEATH.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
U.S. Navy Rescues American Captain Being Held on Lifeboat: Navy Did a Great Job
Captain Phillips was unharmed and thanked the SEALs and the Navy for rescuing him.
I'm very glad to see this crisis resolved, thanks to the professionalism of the Navy, and the willingness of President Obama to do what must be done to deal with these thugs.
The various world navies need rules of engagement that allow them to take action against the pirates.
The Law of the Sea Treaty seems to be hindering international action to secure the shipping lanes along Somalia's coast. Something needs to be done about this so that order can be restored on the high seas. It seems to me that long-held American objections to this treaty are justified, as the treaty's weaknesses are now on full display for the entire world to see.
I don't expect any U.N. action to be taken to correct the problem. They are less likely to agree on a course of action than ever before.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Navy Can Safely Disable Approaching Pirate Ships: Pirates Must Not Be Allowed to Make It to Shore With Their Hostage
It doesn't have to be that way. I'd rather see the Navy shoot out the engine rooms of the pirate vessels and set them adrift too. Or blow off a screw with a well-placed torpedo. Then make them the same deal that they're currently offering to the pirates in the lifeboat.
The Navy cannot allow the pirates to succeed.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
White House Denies Presidential Bow to Saudi King: Putting a Spin on this Miscue Makes the Situation Worse
What the hell was he doing way down there? Giving King Faud a presidential blo...never mind.
Of course not. But they would have us believe that it was ANYTHING but a bow to a foreign ruler, in spite of this serious breach of protocol being caught on video and in pictures. They ought to admit that the President screwed up, apologize and move on.
But instead he's having his spin doctors try to hoodwink the rightly-offended American public---of which nearly 60,000,000 people didn't vote for him---and his strategy isn't working. Now he's got two screw-ups to fix instead of one.
I don't even want to think about what he would do if he met with Kim Jong Il or with Uncle Fidel, who the Congressional Black Caucus likes very much. There's enough drivel coming from that group of lawmakers to make me SICK!
I'm waiting to see if the White House attempts to squirm its way out of the first two problems, or if they come clean.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Obama's Bow to Saudi King is Latest Example of How Weak of a Leader Obama Is: U.S. Heads of State DO NOT BOW to State Terror Sponsors
Obama kissed so much ass that it was sickening. And his bow to the Saudi king was the last straw.
Below is two different bows to two different sovereigns. The first bow to Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip was totally appropriate. The second bow to King Faud was not. What the hell was he doing?
Then there's the speeches that Obama made to the public over in Europe to score points. Denouncing his own country and his own people while representing them while in foreign territory was the dumbest move that I've ever seen a President make.
And what of his stated foreign policy goals for this trip? It's been disaster after disaster; the Europeans manhandled President Obama with relative ease. He's going to have a lot of explaining to do when he gets back home. The media needs to do their jobs and put President Obama on the spot to explain himself and his gaffes.
Forget about Bush, Obama is the most devisive leader we've had in living memory. I am not in agreement with any of his policy statements; there's no common ground between him and the conservative opposition-at-large.
He needs to quit putting Karl Marx's book into practice. We don't like it, and we don't want it.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Over Japan: Why Are We Still Pussyfooting Around With This Commie Runt?
And the end result of this anger that's been building against North Korea? Absolutely nothing, from a do-nothing Security Council.
We can end North Korea's missile program right now. All Washington and Tokyo have to do is declare North Korea's missile launching facilities as weapons testing ranges for the United States and Japan. Whenever a missile is set up for launching by North Korea, the two countries conduct missile and bomb testing on the North Korean missile while it's still on the ground. Or they shoot it down while it's in the air, denying the North Koreans their research data.
We need to quit pussyfooting around with North Korea and start throwing serious punches at North Korea's missile development program. North Korea is too childish to be trusted with advanced military hardware and cannot be trusted under the current regime.
They're already launching missiles over Japanese territory, which doesn't make other nations in the region very happy. And they're continuing to rattle their sabers at Japan, the U.S., South Korea and the United Nations.
It's better to deal with them now before they develop the means to put a nuclear warhead onto their ballistic missiles and they can actually hit something without their missiles falling apart in mid-flight.