Congress is preparing to raise the debt ceiling again to avoid defaulting on the debt. No, no, NO! Congress and the Administration need to cut their budgets and use the savings to PAY DOWN the debt, not add to it.
Adding another $1.8 trillion to the borrowing ceiling is way out of line. This government has no business spending more money than it has.
I have little faith that this and future administrations will have the discipline to reign in spending the way that they need to, before we’re presented with a bill that we have no way of paying, without adding more debt.
We also need to be able to tell China off without fear of China saying “no” to our borrowing requests. This is a symbiotic relationship that must be changed. The current Administration seems to want to avoid talking to China about it’s human rights record because we owe the Chinese SO much money.
Better start the cutting party!
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