Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Obama Scrapped Constellation: He Should Scrap His Health Care Bill Too, Along with a Few Other Things

I couldn’t help but notice that President Obama scrapped the Constellation program over at NASA, as it was an outdated concept when they retired it forty years ago, and was even more outdated when they proposed doing an upgrade to the forty-plus year old concept to replace the retiring shuttles.

Now that he’s gotten around to cutting the budget, I have another suggestion for him on where else he can make cuts:

Scrap his health care plan.  His reasons for scrapping Constellation also apply to his health plan: it can be done cheaper and far more responsibly (AND without throwing people in jail, too, I might add).

He needs to go much deeper and make a dent in the debt.  Closing up shop in Iraq this year would save more money in one year than he’s currently proposing for his ENTIRE current ten-year plan.

The President’s $3.8 trillion budget is a BUST.  He needs to pare it down to about $2.2 trillion, and put the savings into paying down the debt owed to foreign creditors. It’s better to replenish the well and keep it in reserve, rather than draining it completely dry, which we are currently on track to do.

Congress and the President need to pass a balanced budget.

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