Monday, May 31, 2010

“Traitors” in My Prior Post Was Correct: Here’s Why

In my next-to-last post, I called certain members of Congress “traitors” for standing and applauding the hypocritical Mexican President as he railed against Arizona’s anti-border crossing measures.

I’ve gotten some feedback, with mixed results, in the last week.  I’m taking it all in stride, but this subject is worth another post.

I called them “traitors” for caring more about Mexican citizens than about the American citizens who have been murdered by Mexican criminals who came across the border illegally.

I called them “traitors” for not standing up against Phoenix becoming the kidnapping capital of our country.  

I called them “traitors” for failing to look at statistics: 80% of all immigration officer deaths were at the hands of illegals.  35% of the entire federal prison population is illegal immigrants, and 20% of Arizona’s prison population are illegals.   Ship them home and ease the overcrowding in our own prisons!

70% of Arizona’s population support SB1070.  ‘That’s pure democracy that they’re trying to overturn.

Congress needs to get with the program, and Obama needs to fire his attorney general for saying that he won’t enforce federal laws.  This is pure electioneering.

The Mexicans need to get their own house in order before telling us how to run ours.  They have no room to be criticizing us when their own immigration policy is even stricter than Arizona’s.  And Mexico needs to get their drug lords under control.\

Time for Mexico to put up, or shut up.  And Obama’s party needs to follow suit.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kilpatrick Should Not Have Been Put in Jail: His Ability to Repay the City of Detroit is All But Destroyed

The state really messed up when they put Kwame Kilpatrick, the disgraced former Mayor of Detroit, back into prison for the next eighteen months to five years.

When he was sentenced, he also lost his $100,000 a year  job in Texas.  So instead of him making whatever payments he can over the next five years, they’ve chosen to get reimbursed nothing.

Did they just shoot themselves in the foot or what?  Yes, he needed to be taught a lesson, but Detroit can’t afford to be foregoing any income.   In this case, it would have been better to come up with a solution that allowed him to keep his job and keep making payments.

A little more common sense down there, please.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Traitors in Congress Cheer Meddling Mexican President as He Criticizes Arizona’s Recent Legislation: Caulderon Should Keep Mexican Crime on HIS Side of the Fence Before Criticizing U.S. Attempts to Control HIS Criminals on OUR Side of the Border

Every Democrat and Republican who stood up and cheered as Mexican President Caulderon criticized the state of Arizona over their attempts to protect their people should turn in their resignations and walk straight out the door, never to return.  

We’ll definitely remember in November.

And the Mexican President has the unmitigated gall to come into OUR House of Representatives, to complain about our treatment of HIS criminals??!  He needs to get HIS own house in order before telling us how to run OURS!   He’s the biggest hypocrite north or south of the Rio Grande.

And the liberal Democrats who stood up and cheered should be ashamed of themselves.  First they didn’t read the legislation.  Then they criticized what they didn’t read.  And then they cheered one of the architects of the chaos along our southern border.  We don’t want Mexico’s problems in any of the border states.  Mexico can fend for itself.  Why hasn’t it already CRUSHED the drug gangs with its army?

I do not like it when Mexicans illegally cross our borders in the first place.  And I don’t like it when they cry about not having American citizenship, then throw it back in our faces with these demonstrations, carrying Mexican flags.  They can go wipe their butts with their Mexican flags.  Demonstrating for American citizenship with Mexican flags…they come to us begging for what they want, then insult us.  What are we to think?

The message that many of us are getting is that they want to become Americans to be Mexicans.  

What’s the point of their applying for citizenship here if they have no intention of contributing to our society, to making it better?  They can stay in Mexico and be Mexicans, and contribute to the betterment of Mexican society.  They sure need it, and we don’t need to be giving out freebies to illegals here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Obama Apologizes for Arizona’s “Human Rights Violations”: He Should Apologize for His Mishandling of Border Security

President Obama has apologized to China for Arizona’s immigrant security law, which he has labeled a “human rights violation.”

I think it’s a very sad state of affairs when a sitting U.S. President apologizes for a law that is designed to protect AMERICAN CITIZENS—including immigrants who followed the law and came here legally, and went through the naturalization process— from being MURDERED in their own homes and KIDNAPPED on their own U.S. streets by ILLEGALS.  People in Arizona who live along the border live in constant fear.  Is this Obama’s version of “ensuring domestic tranquility?”

Obama should have apologized to the people of Arizona for the federal government FAILING to do it’s job and ENFORCING the law, and PROTECTING the border.

But instead, he’s caught apologizing for what IS (again), and kissing Chinese tail (again).

Can we have a recall election for President Obama in November as well?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gordon Brown is Out, and David Cameron is In as British Prime Minister: What the UK Does to Cut Its Budget Should Be Watched by Obama Administration Officials as We Should Be Doing the Same Thing

It’s been a week of high drama in the United Kingdom as they had a general election, had a hung parliament in terms of no party capturing a majority of the seats in that election, and then all the haggling between the parties to form the next British government.

In the end, David Cameron’s Conservative Party joined forces with the Liberal Democratic Party; Cameron is now the Prime Minister; the leader of the Liberal Democrats is deputy PM.  The cabinet has members of both parties taking up key positions.

President Obama needs to carefully watch what the British do with their budget in the next several months.  If their measures work and Britain is able to stay on an even keel while refraining from exploding their deficit, as Obama is currently doing to the U.S. debt, then perhaps we can pull back from the abyss as well, using parts of the British model.

Cutting the U.S. debt load immediately would be a smart move.  April was UGLY in terms of how much debt was added on: four times higher than in April 2009, and an all-time record for  budget deficits in a month.

And President Obama’s team seems to think that they have to spend massive amounts of money to keep the economy afloat.   This is flawed thinking, and they have to shift gears, before it’s too late.

GM’s Hokey Loan Repayment: They Used A Different Federal Loan to Repay the TARP Loan

GM’s announcement that they had repaid their federal loan in full was done by using money from another federal loan to take care of the TARP loan that they received after going into bankruptcy.

Guess what!!  GM is STILL on the hook, except now they owe even more.  Way to go, GM!

DISGRACEFUL!   And now, a question: since the statement was done in a commercial and played across the country on national TV, can the FCC sue for false advertising?

The only good news coming from GM right now is that they’re making money.  In the end, that’s what matters, but they need to come clean with what they did to “repay” their loan “in full.” 

President Obama Manages to Nominate Someone Even Less Qualified Than Bush’s Harriet Meyers for U.S. Supreme Court: Pick a Judge, Please

I seem to remember a political firestorm a couple of years ago when then-President George W. Bush nominated Harriet Meyers to the Supreme Court.  And I didn’t disagree when Harriet Meyers decided to withdraw her nomination.  Bush was loudly criticized for being an “idiot” for choosing an “obviously” unqualified person for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Now, President Obama has nominated someone who has never even BEEN a judge, just someone who whitewashed a plagiarism scandal at Harvard University.

So if Bush was an idiot for nominating “unqualified” Meyers, what does that make Obama for nominating non-judge and even-less qualified Kagan?

Looks like it’s back to the drawing board, and pick a judge, please, Mr. President.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

AMERICAN Students Sent Home For Wearing AMERICAN FLAGS on May 5th: Political Correctness Crowd Running Amok Over Rights of Americans in Favor of Foreign Holidays

What kind of monkey business is this??!

American high school students were sent home to change their shirts on May 5th because they decided to wear the flag of their country to express their viewpoint that not everyone celebrates Mexican holidays.

The administrators of this high school should resign and apologize for dishonoring their country’s flag. 

This is the United States, not Mexico.  And any school on U.S. territory currently flying the Mexican flag rather than the American flag should remove those Mexican flags and run the Stars and Stripes up the pole, IMMEDIATELY!  And any Mexican that doesn’t like that can make a run for the border, AND STAY THERE!

Cultural sensitivity, my afterburner!  Liberal ilk imposing their viewpoints on everyone else is what this is!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Obama Doesn’t Fit the Traditional Mold for a Socialist: Pegging the President on the Political Board

There has been an ongoing debate on whether President Obama is a socialist, and my view is that he is not.  He’s a liberal, but not a traditional one at that, either.

A socialist would have been pushing for the complete nationalization of the financial system, from top to bottom, as Chavez of Venezuela and Castro of Cuba have done to their own countries.  Obama hasn’t done that.   He’s helped to create a system with a kill switch built into it; when the banks stabilize and pay back the government, they’re off the hook. 

To date, the American taxpayer has been paid back $587 billion of the original $787 billion that the government loaned out to the banks.

Socialists do not want Obama’s health care plan either.   Under a Socialist plan, there would be no crushing after-care bills that will still bankrupt entire families; the Socialist model calls for Cadillac-style plans for everybody. 

According to Bill Wharton over at the Washington Post, Obama’s plan underinsures everybody in the name of universal health care.  And there’s still the possibility of catastrophic bills that could push a family or individual into bankruptcy if an individual or family uses up their “allotment” of health care. 

I am opposed to both ideas, as both are prohibitively expensive to the American taxpayer.  We can no more afford the Socialist plan than we can President Obama’s.

According to the Socialist web site, the official Socialist party line is to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq immediately, to close all of our overseas bases and to “unconditionally disarm.”  Obama has set a deadline in Iraq, but not one in Afghanistan.  And he wants to expand our involvement in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world, and upgrade our nuclear weapons platforms.   So he doesn’t match up there either, though he has called for a nuclear weapons-free world, while taking steps to upgrade America’s nuclear arsenal.

At first, I thought he was a socialist, but the more I researched it, the more I realized that the dots just didn’t connect.  The Socialist platform is as radical an agenda as I’ve ever seen, and even a leftist like Obama has openly rejected major parts of it.

Make no mistake, I think his agenda is very bad news.   And we don’t  know what is coming next, though we have a general idea.

President Obama’s brand of liberalism is darn peculiar and difficult to pin down.  But this man isn’t a socialist: he belongs to a branch of liberal thought that IS far to the left of center, and is quite radical.  Beyond that, the picture is still out of focus.

There is a label out there for Obama’s brand of liberalism, but “socialism” isn’t the best fit for it.