Thursday, May 06, 2010

AMERICAN Students Sent Home For Wearing AMERICAN FLAGS on May 5th: Political Correctness Crowd Running Amok Over Rights of Americans in Favor of Foreign Holidays

What kind of monkey business is this??!

American high school students were sent home to change their shirts on May 5th because they decided to wear the flag of their country to express their viewpoint that not everyone celebrates Mexican holidays.

The administrators of this high school should resign and apologize for dishonoring their country’s flag. 

This is the United States, not Mexico.  And any school on U.S. territory currently flying the Mexican flag rather than the American flag should remove those Mexican flags and run the Stars and Stripes up the pole, IMMEDIATELY!  And any Mexican that doesn’t like that can make a run for the border, AND STAY THERE!

Cultural sensitivity, my afterburner!  Liberal ilk imposing their viewpoints on everyone else is what this is!

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