Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Obama is More of a Threat to Long-Term U.S. Growth Than Fox News Is: He Should Take Responsibility for His OWN Actions and Not Try to Put Blame Onto Others

President Obama had an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, and said that the “perspective that Fox News promotes is ultimately destructive to long-term U.S. growth.”

I disagree.  His financial policies are proving to be more disastrous to U.S. short and long-term  financial health than any perspective that Fox News promotes. 

His refusal to give tax cuts to businesses are preventing them from hiring new workers, which would have a definite effect on the unemployment situation,  bring in more revenue for state governments and for the federal bottom line, increase consumer spending, and do other things.  Obama could trigger all of that almost immediately if he wanted to.

Businesses won’t budge until the President does.  It’s not in their best interests to do anything that the President wants.  His spending is reckless to the point of madness, and is going to bite us HARD when we least need it or want it.

President Obama needs to be more reasonable in how he stimulates the economy—through the private sector, not through more borrowing and spending.

Change from “Global Warming” to “Global Climate Disruption” Doesn’t Change the Bad Science Behind It: This is a New Political Term for “CRAP”

More hubris from the left on global warming appears to be on tap.

They are abandoning the wildly inaccurate “global warming” term in favor of “global climate disruption.”  And they’re still using their inaccurate politicized science to state that man is dooming the planet.    New term, same old crap.

They’re still ignoring the fact that the sun has more to do with climate change than they’re willing to admit.  They’re ignoring the fact that the other planets in the solar system that have atmospheres were going through a period of global warming at the same time that we were, and when the sun spots stopped that the warming stopped on the other planets too.  That’s man’s fault, too, is it?

They are ignoring the effect that volcanoes around the planet have on global warming and global cooling.  They’ve understated the impact for YEARS. 

The fact is that we don’t know a lot of stuff about global warming and global cooling, and it is certainly NOT “settled science.”

They need to quit screwing around with the science.  And as far as I’m concerned, renaming something as controversial as global warming IS screwing around.

I’m not impressed.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blockbuster Finally Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: It’s What Happens When They RIP THEIR CUSTOMERS OFF

I have no sympathy for Blockbuster Video filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  They’ve been ripping their customers off with their high rental prices for years, and their various late fee schemes, and are reaping the results of what they’ve sown.

I’m looking forward to the discount sale at the local Blockbuster.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Congress Needs to Pass a Bill Which Bans the Practice of Attaching Unrelated/Unpassable Measures to Must-Pass Bills: All Bills Should Pass or Fail on Their Own Merits, Not on the Coat Tails of Others

There's an immigration act attached to the Defense appropriations bill.

There's also a provision to authorize the ending of the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the Defense appropriations bill.

Both of these measures need to be broken out and voted on as stand-alone bills, as one is unrelated to the military, and the other is a Defense matter, and a Presidential decision.

All bills should be free of riders. And Congress should pass a measure which says so.

I'm tired of politicians sneaking ill-advised and unnecessary riders into legislation that deserves its own vote, that's free of controversial unrelated measures that often overshadow the measure that's actually being voted upon.

The next Congress had better do its job, or they will be voted out too!
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Friday, September 17, 2010

French Arrogance in Dealing With Roma Criticism is Telling: Their Hypocrisy is ASTOUNDING

The French are all up in arms over how the European Union has condemned them for their tactics in dealing with their Gypsy (Roma) population.

In fact, the level of their arrogance is simply astonishing.

And they accused the U.S. of arrogance in world affairs??!  They have NO leg to stand on, whatsoever.  A sampling of their arrogance:

"It is an insult. It is a wound. It is a humiliation,"…."I am the French president and I cannot allow my country to be insulted."  President Sarkozy of France,8599,2019860,00.html#ixzz0zogCB7q9

… "it's very easy to give lessons". "France doesn't pretend to give lessons to the world, even if we're often seen as the country of human rights ... We also don't pretend to listen to lessons from countries that don't make a tenth of the efforts that we've accomplished," Francois Zimeray, France's ambassador for human rights.

"That's enough of her tone, my patience has its limits, that's not the way to speak to a great state,"  Pierre Lellouche, French Mininster

The French government can buy it’s own BS if it wants, but they should have kept it to themselves if they intended to accuse other countries of arrogance.


Monday, September 13, 2010

When is a Combat-Ready American Soldier Not a Combat-Ready Soldier Anymore? Not When Idiot Liberal Politicians and the Liberal Media Label Them as Such, That’s for Sure!

 The troops are seriously annoyed that they’ve been labeled as being “non-combat” forces in Iraq.  Who can blame them?

The idiot politicians and liberal media made a huge deal out of their new codename for the Iraq War and that the “last combat brigade” rolled into Kuwait last month.  American soldiers ought to punch reporters and politicians in the mouth when they utter those words.   What an insult!

The military use of the term “combat brigade” and the civilian use of the term are not the same thing.   The war is still on, and our soldiers are still under enemy fire.   We should not forget that.

The remaining troops in Iraq are as combat ready as ever.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Coverage of Threatened Koran Burning Sparks Incidents All Over the Country: Press is at Fault Here

We now see what happens when the press overdoes it on coverage of hate preachers and imams.

Korans have been burned all over the country.  Not that I care too much about that, but I wonder how much of this is due to press influence and over covering this idiotic Florida preacher and his “Burn a Koran Day.”

How long will this fiasco play out overseas?  How many copycats in other Western countries will take place?  And how many more embassies will get burned to the ground?  The uneducated Afghans are already murdering people in the streets.  They can’t even READ the Koran.

I registered my disagreement with the burnings on 9/11.  That isn’t the date for protests of ANY kind, even though it is the Constitutional right of every American to do so.  And as I had hoped, the pastor changed his mind, but Korans got burned anyways.

And the press is dutifully reporting the incidents, which ARE isolated.   But by drawing all this attention to the distortions of these fanatical religious leaders, who are NOT part of mainstream Christianity, or of Islam for that matter, the press is making matters worse by creating a bigger splash to sell news and improve their ratings.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say that the press WANTS a war between the West and Islam.  Their reckless actions in covering these self-important preachers and imams are taking us someplace that we don’t want to be.

The press needs to handle this MUCH more responsibly.

Hate Pastors and Imams Need to Get Out of the News: Media Organizations Shouldn’t Give Them Another Second of Coverage

The news media has been stirring several stories and given them more coverage than they deserve.  And they need to reverse their course.

I’m speaking of the continuing coverage that they’ve given to Westboro Baptist Church, which appeared on the radar several years ago due to their anti-homosexual agenda and their protests at military funerals, which is detestable.  

They gave Jerimiah Wright too much coverage, due to his connection to President Obama.

Now they’re devoting WAY too much time to the Koran-burning church in Florida and the support that Westboro Baptist Church is (sort of) giving to them.  And the attempts of the Florida church pastor to tie in his ill-advised Koran burning to the mosque plans in New York City, which was never mentioned when he scheduled his Koran burning for 9/11.

And the same thing goes for the planned mosque in New York City.  It does not appear that the imam in charge won’t change course, though his investors might for the right price.  And now Donald Trump is throwing his two cents in, offering to buy the property to get the mosque out of the news.  I think the investor is holding out for mo’ money.

And the liberal media loudly booed Trump for getting involved.  Shame on them for booing Trump’s attempt  to end the mosque controversy, and denying them further material to cover.  That’s what they’re really demonizing Trump about.

I’m not saying that the media  shouldn’t don’t cover the subjects, but don’t OVER-COVER it, which they have already done too much of.  These idiots love the coverage that they are getting.  The media shouldn’t interrupt their programming to cover live press conferences from these idiots, and offer detailed analysis afterwards.  That’s severe overkill.

Nothing that these people are doing warrants live coverage.    ENOUGH, ALREADY!

Monday, September 06, 2010

In Light of Danger to Troops in Afghanistan, Florida Church Should Probably Cancel Plan to Burn Korans on September 11th

There’s been a controversy brewing in Florida, ever since a church decided that it was a good idea to burn a pile of Korans on the ninth anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks.  The controversy has gone international, and may have serious repercussions for U.S. and international troops in Afghanistan.

The Dove World Outreach Center says that “Islam is of the devil” and that the church is obligated to carry out the burning because the Koran is not God’s word, is “totalitarian, and….teaches idolatry, paganism, rites and rituals.”  Over the last week, there have been large protests in cities across Afghanistan, and across the Muslim world.

In fact, the military brass is so concerned that General Petraus has gone to the press, expressing concern that the action might play directly into the hands of the Taliban and other groups who are fighting against the coalition in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I think there is merit to what Washington and the military leaders are saying.  Anything that derails efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan, and the eventual withdrawal of international troops should not be tolerated.

The church does have a right to express itself, and I’m not in total disagreement with what they say, but how they express themselves makes me worry about the troops.  They’re in enough danger already.  And how many of our embassies in other Muslim countries will be burned to the ground if this book burning goes forward?

I would encourage the Dove World Outreach Center to cancel their current plan and come up with a way to express themselves that doesn’t cause more people to join the fighting against our forces.   That’s the last thing that the troops need.