Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Congress Needs to Pass a Bill Which Bans the Practice of Attaching Unrelated/Unpassable Measures to Must-Pass Bills: All Bills Should Pass or Fail on Their Own Merits, Not on the Coat Tails of Others

There's an immigration act attached to the Defense appropriations bill.

There's also a provision to authorize the ending of the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the Defense appropriations bill.

Both of these measures need to be broken out and voted on as stand-alone bills, as one is unrelated to the military, and the other is a Defense matter, and a Presidential decision.

All bills should be free of riders. And Congress should pass a measure which says so.

I'm tired of politicians sneaking ill-advised and unnecessary riders into legislation that deserves its own vote, that's free of controversial unrelated measures that often overshadow the measure that's actually being voted upon.

The next Congress had better do its job, or they will be voted out too!
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