Saturday, April 30, 2011

Trump’s “Profanity-Laced” Speech Was Nothing of the Sort: It Was a Good Speech With a Few Exclamation Points Here and There

The media talking heads were all aghast at Donald Trump’s speech in Las Vegas, in which he dropped some “f-bombs” and dared to raise more talking points.

99.5% of the speech was clean; it was over thirty minutes long. This was no profanity-laced speech. His speech is on YouTube, under "Trump speech Las Vegas".

Yes, Trump is a prima donna. He'll be the first to admit it. His taking credit for President Obama's releasing his birth certificate was hugely amusing. But he's also a lightning rod, which may make him a very difficult person to vote for, from my point of view.

In any case, this speech wasn't profanity-laced, and the media should stop trying to sell it as anything other than what it actually was: a speech with exclamation points here and there.

Trump isn't even a candidate yet. And I'm not sure he's serious about it yet, but people are definitely listening to what he has to say.

I'm enjoying the show.

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