Like many, I’ve been watching the riots taking place across Britain and find myself wondering…why are people over there doing this?
I thought that it was gangs at work, as described by the Prime Minister, but the British courts have started dispensing justice to accused rioters, and it’s a veritable who’s who of British society: primary school workers, lifeguards, organic chefs, musicians, children of millionaires (I did a double take when I read that), college students, real estate agents, opera stewards, postmen, charity workers, hairdressers, professional and semi-professional football (British) players, Olympic ambassadors (another double-take), and dozens of other respectable sorts. And tons of kids are standing before the judges too.
They have been charged with a wide variety of crimes, including stealing, various forms of theft, concealment of stolen property, throwing bricks at police and police vehicles, violent disorder, assaulting an ambulance crew, mugging, lying to police, racial crimes, inciting violent disorder (Facebook), arson, destruction of property (public and private), handling stolen goods, carrying weapons, using weapons during the commission of a crime, obstructing police, assaulting police officers, and up to eighty other crimes not listed here.
The sheer volume of what was taken is extraordinary too. One guy broke into a bicycle shop and stole the equivalent of $32,500 worth of cycles. What was he going to do with all those bikes? Ride them around? Try to sell them? He was also accused of breaking into two other shops and stealing money, cigarettes, and other assorted stuff and causing major damage to both shops.
Another idiot stole the equivalent of $65,000 worth of plasma TVs, computers, and other electronic equipment. He’s been denied bail and will be back in court next week.
The police are also said to be going after people who were invited to attend the riots on Facebook, and very stupidly said “yes” to the invites as well, or joined the pages. The police really like having their suspects lined up in a row like that on a Facebook page.
I’m sure there are some gangs involved in the mischief, but the majority seem to be unthinking and greedy people who took advantage of the trouble.
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