Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Egypt and Hamas Pull a Screwjob on Israel and Washington: If This Truce Holds, Israel Will End Up Fighting This Battle Against Hamas Again in a Few Months

The Obama Administration hasn’t done Israel any favors with this cease-fire deal that was brokered by Egypt.

Hamas is still heavily armed, and they’re going to continue sending rockets into Israeli territory.  They haven’t agreed to recognize Israel, which is going to make Israel very reluctant to lift their blockade of Gaza.

All they’ve done is postpone the inevitable.  Here’s why:

Israel will attack Iran before the “red line” is reached, and then Israel will have Hezbollah firing their 40,000 rockets into northern Israel shortly thereafter, while Hamas resumes hitting southern Israel at Iran’s request.  

The best thing that could happen is for the cease-fire to fail and for Israel to flatten Hamas before getting into this thing with Iran and Hezbollah. 

Israel is doing its best to obey the truce, but if Hamas rockets continue to hit Israel, all bets are off.  I don’t see Hamas stopping its own forces from attacking Israel.  They lack the cohesive discipline that the Israeli military has.

Washington did the right thing in saying that Israel has a right to defend itself.  But they were wrong in playing a part in forcing this truce before the job was done.

If this truce is to hold, Hamas needs to act more responsibly on behalf of the people they are governing,   If they can’t do that, they should quit and let the Palestinian Authority take charge again.  Compared to Hamas, they’re much more preferable.

Hard times are ahead.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hypocritical Turkey Calls Israel a “Terrorist State” for Firing Back at Hamas, But Won’t Apply the Same Label to Themselves for Firing Back at Syria Last Month

Turkey has decided that Israel shooting back at Hamas is terrorism, yet they had no problem doing the same thing to Syria when Syrian artillery shells landed in Turkish territory just last month.  They even enlisted international support in their “terrorist” action against Syria by convening a meeting of NATO ministers to tell Syria to stop.  In fact, they’re asking for U.S. Patriot missile batteries to be placed on their border with Syria. 

NATO should refuse this request if Turkey considers legitimate self defense “terrorism.”  After all, we don’t want to be a sponsor of Turkish “terrorism.”

This is the kind of hypocrisy that Turkey, above all other nations, needs to avoid.  If they’re not part of the solution, then they’re part of the problem.

I wonder how Egypt and Turkey would react if a faction opposed to their governments were firing rockets at their territory and killing their civilians?  Would they be tolerating it, as Israel’s neighbors seem to be insisting on, or would they be going in with maximum military force to put an end to it?

Oh, wait.  Egypt uses its army against its own people already.  So does Turkey.  So do most of the governments who are screaming about Israel defending itself against a terrorist organization.   And knowing these countries, they’d have already sent their armies in, long before now.

Israel’s neighbors need to quit the rhetoric and put pressure on Hamas to stop firing.  Or else Israel will bulldoze Gaza into the ground, and the Palestinian people will suffer for it, while what’s left of Hamas deserts them and flees to Egypt, like the cowards that they are.

And I’d be willing to bet that Egypt’s military will watch them go running by, instead of swiveling the tank turrets around and putting an end to Hamas before they get into Cairo.

This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some Political Hack Deleted References to al-Qaeda’s Involvement in Libyan Attack in CIA Memo: That’s Who They Should Identify

I’ve been following this whole Benghazi mess with little surprise.   And I have a few theories.

It’s becoming clear that someone in one of the federal agencies who were reviewing the CIA report on the attack was some political hack, concerned about President Obama’s re-election bid, deleted the references to al-Qaeda’s involvement in the assault on the U.S. consulate, before the information went to President Obama.

I also think that there is a possibility this person or persons used their knowledge that CIA Director Petraeus was being investigated against him, to influence him into saying what he did in his earlier testimony to Congress.  It took the form of “support our version, or we’ll go to the media, ruin your marriage, and destroy your reputation.  AND you’ll go to jail!” 

They need to do a top-to-bottom review of all the relevant agencies, identify people who reviewed the CIA memo, and then determine which of them knew that the general was under FBI investigation before he went public and resigned.   I think the paper trail will lead to the same person or people.

They need to find out if the CIA Director was compromised, in the form of blackmail discussed above.

That’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it.  It’s probably all wrong, but I also think we’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg on all of this.  People will be going to jail.

Friday, November 16, 2012

CNN Caught Faking Palestinian Footage: They Need to Quit Manipulating Stuff to Suit Their Agenda

The degenerates at CNN are at it again, faking footage of the poor rocket-firing Palestinians taking casualties from the evil Israeli warmongers.

Gag me with a spoon!

CNN keeps screwing up; they’ve become nothing more than a propaganda arm of Hamas.   They need to present a more balanced view and keep their opinions to themselves.  They’re siding against the ONLY democracy in that region against terrorists; what does that say about CNN? 

I use the term “degenerate” as they’ve de-evolved from a news agency to a propaganda outfit.   They need to get off their collective butts, report the news and then shut up with their opinions. 

If the Air Force is Unwilling to Spend Money to Fix the Over-Budget F-22 Raptor, They Should Retire Them

The Air Force has been dragging their feet in fixing the F-22 Raptor’s in-flight oxygen system, and it’s time to put an end to the issue.

They either need to spend more money on the already-over budget F-22, or they need to retire the aircraft.   The pilots don’t think the aircraft is safe. 

They only have two options: fix it or retire it.  It can’t continue to fly as-is. 

This has gone on long enough.  Another F22 crashed yesterday in Florida short of the runway.  At $190 million per copy, they ought to be able to diagnose and fix ANYTHING on that aircraft. 

Fix it or cancel it. 

If Egypt Really Wants to Broker Peace Between Israel and Hamas, Then They Need to Tell Hamas to Stop Firing Rockets at Israel BEFORE Telling Israel Not to Retaliate: S0 Far They’ve Been Telling Israel to Cease Fire While Ignoring Hamas’ Firing Rockets Into Israel, Which Started the Israeli Response

Egypt’s new leaders are proving to be more hypocritical than their former ruler when dealing with Israel and Hamas.

Egypt and the Muslim world have been screaming at Israel to stop fighting, while ignoring Hamas and their rocket strikes on Israeli cities, which provoked the Israelis into returning fire.

If one of these other countries were being fired upon by terrorist groups, they’d already have sent in ground troops.  Israel’s response has been very limited by comparison so far, targeting rocket launchers, Hamas commanders, rocket storage facilities and Hamas terrorists. 

Unfortunately, because Gaza is so small and so packed with people, everything Israel has attacked so far is amongst the Palestinian civilian population.  And Hamas doesn’t care where it puts its military equipment either.  There was an image of a rocket launcher next to a mosque yesterday on various web sites.

If the Muslims really want peace, they need to be more even-handed and realize that Hamas is the main cause of the problem.  If they were to stop firing, so would Israel.  It’s just that simple.

I think the Muslim world is sacrificing the Palestinians to Hamas militarism, just to get at Israel.  Otherwise they wouldn’t be arming a terrorist group and screaming at Israel to stop firing back while ignoring Hamas’s attacks on Israel.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ridiculous White House Notion Sparks Independence Drive in Twenty States: What is President Obama Doing?

President Obama’s web site has an incredibly stupid petition promise: gather 25,000 signatures by December 7th, and the Administration will deliver “a response.” 

Someone from Louisiana started a secession petition to allow Louisiana to leave the United States peacefully.  Individuals in nineteen other states followed suit, and of those petitions, the Texas petition just hit 25,000 signatures.

Now the White House has to waste time addressing their dumb move on the petition drives.

I’m also wondering what kind of people signed the petitions to begin with, and I cannot help but think that there are a lot of civilian militias, and fringe characters, along with people who are unhappy with the direction of the country.   

President Obama needs to put a stop to this nonsense before the militia types pick up arms and start all kinds of trouble that we don’t need.

Internet Should Remain Under Western Oversight and Not Go to an International Authority: They’ll Kill Free Speech on the Internet

One month remains before control of internet addresses shifts over to an international organization under the control of the United Nations.

Given the fact that the U.N. is being lobbied by Muslim countries to ban forms of expression that insults their religion, the U.N. cannot be counted on  to safeguard free speech online.

Western countries should work to make sure that the Dubai conference next month, sponsored by the International Telecommunications Union and sanctioned by the U.N., that they do not get control of the Internet.  This idea needs to be permanently derailed.

The ITU says there are no motions on the table to ban free speech, but how long can it be before one is?

It’s better to have the U.N. keeps its hands off the Internet.  

The U.N. dedication to free speech is only as strong as the member states’ dedication to free speech is.  And with many nations on earth locking up their own citizens for expressing their views, that’s a highly dubious proposition.

The Dubai conference should be cancelled and the UN and ITU told where to go.  If they don’t like it, they can start their own Internet and censor that!