Monday, November 12, 2012

Ridiculous White House Notion Sparks Independence Drive in Twenty States: What is President Obama Doing?

President Obama’s web site has an incredibly stupid petition promise: gather 25,000 signatures by December 7th, and the Administration will deliver “a response.” 

Someone from Louisiana started a secession petition to allow Louisiana to leave the United States peacefully.  Individuals in nineteen other states followed suit, and of those petitions, the Texas petition just hit 25,000 signatures.

Now the White House has to waste time addressing their dumb move on the petition drives.

I’m also wondering what kind of people signed the petitions to begin with, and I cannot help but think that there are a lot of civilian militias, and fringe characters, along with people who are unhappy with the direction of the country.   

President Obama needs to put a stop to this nonsense before the militia types pick up arms and start all kinds of trouble that we don’t need.

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