Congress is acting like a group of political hostage takers. “AGREE TO WHAT OUR SIDE WANTS, OR ELSE WE’LL STOP EVERYTHING ELSE!” Instead of killing people, they’re killing legislation in order to get a political victory. Is that political victory going to be worth the billions of dollars in damage that is done to the economy?
For crying out loud, both sides agree that they’re not going to get everything that they want in the time left before they drive us off the fiscal cliff.
They should take the parts of this deal that they agree to, put it into a bill and send it to the President. They can reset the clock on the stuff they don’t agree to.
Personally, I think sequestration is the way to go, but it didn’t go far enough. They need to cut $2.2 trillion out in order to make a small dent.
If we don’t get a deal out of Washington, every politician currently in office needs to be turned out the next time they’re up for election.
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