Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weiner’s Doing This on Purpose: Look at All the Free Publicity He’s Getting and Name Recognition

If disgraced politician Anthony Weiner wins his election for Mayor of New York, the joke’s going to be on all of us and here’s why: look at all the free publicity he’s getting from all the stupid sex jokes about him.  I’m pretty disgusted by some of the headlines over on Drudge this morning.

I may be off the wall on this, but I think there’s a possibility that this is a carefully crafted strategy by Weiner to defeat his other opponents for the Mayor’s office.  And his wife’s in on it.

Just an off the wall thought, probably wrong.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Department of Justice Should Not Surrender to Mob Mentality Like Florida Prosecutors Did When They Charged George Zimmerman: FBI Didn’t Find Any Evidence of Civil Rights Violations

The Department of Justice needs to stand its ground now, and refuse to knuckle under to political and mob pressure to bring doomed hate crimes charges against George Zimmerman. 

I say “doomed” hate crimes charges because the FBI investigation that they’ve already conducted found no evidence of civil rights violations.  No evidence=no case, unless the DOJ goes forward with an attempt to quell the mob.  

A federal charge would be a victory for mob rule, which is where we seemed to be headed.  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

“Jury Delivers Bombshell Decision?” Only to You, CNN

Flipping through the news channels, I couldn’t help but notice the captions at the bottom of the screen.  CNN seems to be taking personal umbrage at the Zimmerman verdict, trumpeting their “Jury Delivers Bombshell Decision” headline with their panel of talking heads, before switching to the “George Zimmerman: Not Guilty” headline.

Truth be told, all the other networks were doing the same thing, but CNN was the only one who seemed to be “shocked” at the decision.   But then again, it’s CNN’s practice to engage in excessive race baiting to the point of rudeness, using labels to divide people and hyphenating to an extreme degree.  And then feigning surprise when their agenda fails in the face of lack of evidence.

And this is the news organization trumpeted as a “news organization” by members of the Obama Administration’s press secretary staff?

OJ Simpson Scenario Likely to Play Out with George Zimmerman: He Won the Criminal Court Case, But Will Likely Lose a Civil Case Against the Family

Assuming that the DOJ doesn’t file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman (which remains to be seen), the next development will likely be a civil suit filed by the Martin family.   I see an OJ Simpson-style scenario playing out, in which Zimmerman will likely be held civilly liable for the death of Trayvon Martin, despite being acquitted of murder and manslaughter.

The evidence needed to win in a civil case is considerably less, and the self-defense argument won’t hold as much weight in that court.

George Zimmerman didn’t do himself any favors in doing interviews with the media prior to his being arrested for the murder charge.

I can’t see how he will win another victory in court.  And that’s if the Department of Justice doesn’t get involved with the hate crimes charges first.  

This media circus isn’t over yet.

Zimmerman Found Not Guilty: Given the Lack of Evidence and the Supremacy of Stand Your Ground Law in Florida, This is Not a Surprise at All

George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter by his Florida jury, so that aspect of the situation is finally over.

Now the other side is screaming about Obama’s Department of Justice to file charges on whether the victim’s civil rights were violated.  Here’s a thought…whose rights exactly?  

I think there’s even less evidence of George Zimmerman violating Trayvon Martin’s civil rights than there was for this murder/manslaughter trial, but TONS of evidence to support a charge against the government of violating GEORGE ZIMMERMAN’S rights.  After all, it’s been revealed through a Freedom of Information Act request that the DOJ was in Sanford organizing anti-Zimmerman rallies.

This DOJ cannot be trusted to act impartially.  It’s impossible for them to do so now.

With regards to the jury decision in Florida, only a few incidents across the country have been reported by the media as protesters took to the street.   As people wake up this morning, and learn the news if they missed it last night, things may still get ugly. The LA riots in 1992 took place over six days, with 53 dead and 2,000+ injured. 

I hope things stay peaceful.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

White House Lackeys Attack Fox News: Call CNN a “News Organization” While Calling Fox a “Wing of the Republican Party”: January 17, 2017, Cannot Come Fast Enough to Get Our Current President and His Minions Out of Washington

President Obama’s attack dogs went after Fox News again, calling it a “wing of the Republican Party” while calling CNN a “news organization.”  CNN is as much an extension of the Democratic Party (and much more than that) as Fox is perceived to be by the other side. 

Can we jump ahead to January 17th, 2017, please, so that this group of individuals goes home? 

Their foreign policy has failed.  Despite the Comrade Obama apology tour, our enemies have multiplied, our allies don’t trust us, certain government employees are committing treason and then running to Russia and China for protection, who then interrogate them for whatever information they have.   The Kremlin’s already announced that it’s going back over to typewriters to secure its secrets, thanks to whatever Snowden told them.

In response, all the government can do is launch blistering verbal attacks on their political enemies and the media, blaming others for their problems while ignoring their own failed policies which have lead them to this point.   That’s not the media’s doing, that’s the Administration’s responsibility.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Prosecution Uses More Force of Personality to Bang Home His Points With Zimmerman Jury: He May Have Hurt His Prosecution Even More By Overselling His Weak Case

He who talks less…wins.

That’s the message coming out of the Zimmerman trial today.  The general feeling that I had was upon watching the entire replay of the prosecution’s closing arguments and listening to the analysis is that he talked too long and bored the jury.  I was bored about halfway through.

I think the defense is going to power slam the prosecution in their closing arguments by pointing to the lack of evidence in the case.   And I think they’re not going to talk as long either. 

The jury will have the case by tomorrow, unless something goes unexpectedly askew.

I’m pretty sure that police departments across the country are going on alert tomorrow as well, if they haven’t already. 

BTW, since when was it racist for police departments to anticipate trouble from a trial, and make plans to deal with any riots that result?  I bet the LAPD wished they had done more planning prior to the Rodney King verdict.   It might have spared some neighborhoods and some people a lot of trouble and pain.

And what’s with the judge telling the attorneys to shut up while she questioned Zimmerman?  The role of the judge is to ensure that courtroom protocols are followed to the letter, and she violated those protocols.  Experts were stunned at what they witnessed.    Perhaps the judge should follow the instructions she gave to the jury and abstain from reading about the trial, watching TV about the trial, talking about the trial and abstaining from social media during the trial.

I hope the judge’s action doesn’t impact the outcome, whichever decision is rendered.

And what’s with the news that the DOJ was organizing anti-Zimmerman protests in Sanford earlier this year?  The DOJ needs to act more professionally than it has the last couple of years.

And CNN using the term “white Hispanic?”  CNN needs to apologize for using racial terms to describe people they don’t like.  For CNN to join the race baiters is disgraceful.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

U.S. SHOULD Be Mulling a “Zero Option”: Karzai’s Attitude Suggests Afghanistan Can Go It Alone Without U.S. Backing: He’s Wrong of Course, But Pulling U.S. Troops Out is Good Policy

I’m hoping that the situation that developed in Iraq which lead to the complete U.S. pullout of troops from that country also happens in Afghanistan.  President Karzai seems to going down that path too, which is very good news.  

The situation I speak of is the breakdown of talks over the Status of Forces Agreement (SoFA) in Iraq, which lead to President Obama pulling the plug on the Iraq War, one of his few foreign policy achievements.

President Karzai is unhappy that the U.S. is negotiating with the Taliban and has postponed SoFA negotiations between the U.S. and Afghanistan for post-2014.  I’m liking this development.

The reason why I like this is that Karzai’s attitude has been rude and disrespectful toward the U.S. and coalition forces for a while, especially since there have been a lot of Western causalities in Afghanistan on behalf of his government.  And he’s using the SoFA negotiations as a bargaining chip to manipulate the U.S. into doing things his way.

If Afghanistan is as strong as Karzai says it is and can do the job better than U.S. troops, then by all means, go with the zero option and pull all troops out…at the end of 2013, not 2014.

The U.S. military needs time to retool, rebuild and rest, and see to the needs of the troops who have been wounded, physically or mentally, and to prepare for the next global hotspot, wherever that may be.   We’ve spent far too much time and effort and national treasure on Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Other countries like North Korea and Iran have taken advantage of our forces being tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq for far too long.  While we’ve had two wars going on, they’ve thumbed their noses at us, instead of worrying if they were next.   And there’s both the perception that we have a weak President, and that the U.S. doesn’t attack countries with nuclear weapons, which has lead directly to North Korea openly developing nuclear weapons, and Iran doing the same thing much more quietly.

So, by all means, pull the troops out.  Then we’ll see if Karzai can back up his rhetoric with results.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Zimmerman’s Going to Be Found Not Guilty: Cities Had Better Be Getting Ready for the Promised Mass Riots if the Prosecution Fails

George Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty within a matter of days or weeks, and when it does there will be race riots all over the country.

Some of the tweets that have been circulated in the media from people looking for a reason to start a riot are intensifying, now that experts (I’m not one of them) are predicting that Zimmerman will be found not guilty of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin.  Inciting a riot is a crime, but it isn’t stopping people from wagging their tongues.

I’m glad I don’t live in Chicago, or Los Angeles, or other big cities.  If the experts are right, the idiots will be out in force.

They need to prosecute every single person who has said they’re going to start a riot, and get these fools off the streets.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

European Countries Who Are Protesting the U.S. Spy Program Shouldn’t Be Protesting Too Loudly: They Have Their Own Spy Programs Too

EU countries have been making a lot of noise about the U.S. spying on them, while not mentioning their own spy programs. 

News of France’s program, called “vast” by the media, appeared in world press publications today.   French political hypocrites.

Britain has one, too.  The U.K. has been very quiet about their program.

Germany?  They may be planning a program, according to German news organizations.

I don’t side with President Obama on many issues, but he was right when he said that all nations spy on each other.   I wonder how many more European covert spy programs, all similar to the U.S. Prism system, will come to light in the coming days.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Was NOT Moderate, CNN: They Were Extremists and Represented a Minority of Egypt’s Citizens

CNN has an opinion piece out, quoting a prominent Egyptian professor that “moderates will not have a voice in the wake of the military takeover in Egypt.”

This intellectual is wrong.

The moderates were never represented in or by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is going to be forced back underground by the military action in Egypt.   There may be an opportunity for the moderates to come out of hiding from the Muslim Brotherhood, who were not open to opinions that were different from theirs.

CNN and the other networks need to quit calling the Muslim Brotherhood moderates, because they most certainly were not.  The non-Muslim Brotherhood members of the government were window dressings for the Brotherhood agenda.

Hopefully the Egyptian people don’t return the people who failed them to power in the next election.