Thursday, July 04, 2013

European Countries Who Are Protesting the U.S. Spy Program Shouldn’t Be Protesting Too Loudly: They Have Their Own Spy Programs Too

EU countries have been making a lot of noise about the U.S. spying on them, while not mentioning their own spy programs. 

News of France’s program, called “vast” by the media, appeared in world press publications today.   French political hypocrites.

Britain has one, too.  The U.K. has been very quiet about their program.

Germany?  They may be planning a program, according to German news organizations.

I don’t side with President Obama on many issues, but he was right when he said that all nations spy on each other.   I wonder how many more European covert spy programs, all similar to the U.S. Prism system, will come to light in the coming days.

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