Sunday, July 27, 2014

If Obama Wants to Be Impeached, Why Doesn’t He Save Everyone the Trouble and Resign Instead? GOP Should Stay Away From Impeachment Talk and Let the Lawsuits Play Out

Drudge has a headline that blares “Obama Begging to Be Impeached” and a story outlining the rhetoric that has started in Washington and in the news media about all the actions that President Obama is taking or not taking in terms of the invasion along our southern border, the war between Israel and Hamas, the Ukraine crisis, and the subsequent airliner shootdown in eastern Ukraine by Russian-backed rebels.

The “trigger” for an impeachment is being reported by the media as an Executive Order granting amnesty to five million illegals.

Another news story reported that President Obama is no longer “in” the White House, that he’s mentally checked out of it.

If President Obama wants to be impeached because he wants out of the job, he should spare us the trouble and resign.   But that’s not why he “wants” to be impeached.

As outlined in this WND report, Democratic leaders believe they’re heading for a massive defeat in November and possible loss of the Senate.   If Obama is impeached before the election, it will turn out the unenthusiastic Democratic voters, which could stave off defeat in November.

If that’s the case, the GOP should avoid any mention of impeachment whatsoever.  It’s an unwise course of action to take, and it’s a trap. 

They’re better off suing over illegal Executive Orders and restoring the checks and balances system which is seriously out of whack under President Obama’s Administration.    I hope the GOP focuses their energy on that instead of trying to convince the Democratic-controlled Senate to convict President Obama of impeachable offenses.  

It’s the GOP’s election to lose, so don’t blow it GOP.

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